Monday, June 04, 2007

Babies popping up everywhere and other happenings...

So exciting there now 2 couples more that recently found out they are pregnant...Babies are coming up everywhere!!!

Ty & Lauren Briggs

also Kendal & Katie Pool
Recent happenings in my life... Had a lot of drama at work with a new supervisor in a different department at work who tried to point the finger at me for a mistake he made and tried to lie about it my blaming it on me which I had nothing to do with. Luckily, I have been with the company for over a year now and have totally proven my trustworthiness to the company in my work that when I told them that wasn't the truth... they believed me and backed me up. I love my bosses, they are just such awesome supervisors!

Onto other things, Friday I thought I was having a lovely tuna fish sandwich which turned out to be not so lovely because I got FOOD POISENING!!! Freaking Tuna! Nothing was staying in my stomach all weekend, by Sunday still no food in my stomach and I had a really high fever. After calling my step-dad, David, (super nurse) advised me to get checked out just in case I am dehydrated. By 2:30 in the afternoon, went to Urgent Care and said I told the Dr what I had to eat, He said "Yeah that will do it, you would be surprised at how much bacteria is on Tuna after 3o minutes, just a word to the wise stay away from any Tuna salad, Chicken Salad or Egg Salad- You have Food poisoning....and after taking a urine sample said "Well, you're definitely not dehydrated and in addition to the food poisoning- you have a bladder infection" (no doubt from the dang Ultrasound where I had to hold my urine for the longest time ever!) The Dr gave me medication for the infection but couldn't give me anything for the food poisoning since I am pregnant so I had to suffer through an all liquid diet for 24 hours. For the first time in days I had some soup and a roll and it stayed in my stomach finally. I am going to take it easy on the food for a little while longer just to make sure I don't get sick again. All I have to say is never bu any pre-made food from a grocery store, don't be lazy and just make the dang sandwich yourself!!


Nicole Leonard said...

Oh...poor Kendra. I'm sorry about the food poisoning. Blech. Hope you're feeling better soon.

No babies here. ;)

However, lately Kaitlyn has been walking around saying, "I'm gonna be a big sister." And I don't know WHAT she's talking about. We're not pregnant. But I think she just thinks that when you get bigger, you're a "big sister." I tried to explain to her that she won't be a big sister until Mommy has another baby. We'll see if it sinks in.

Lee Jones said...

Wow! Thank you for reaffirming my fear of all thing pre-packaged!