Happy Memorial Day, I hope you all had a safe and fun Memorial Day! We spent Friday- Sunday afternoon down in Oceanside at a timeshare (via Josh read, thanks Josh!) with the Fitzpatrick's! We left Friday after work, picked up the Fitzpatrick's and headed down to Oceanside. We are so thankful, we left a little after 7pm and arrived a little after 8pm... Can you believe we hit almost NO traffic! It was awesome!

Saturday, we woke up at around 9:30am, ate some breakfast, and got ready to start the day. A group picture here of the group walking on our way to the movie theater (less than 1 mile) to buy our tickets to see Pirates of the Carribbean 3. Becca Fitzpatrick sewed us both cute little tube top dresses so here was a little picture of us being matchy matchy :)

We did a little shopping, ate lunch at Ruby's at the end of the pier where I had fi

sh and chips, some zuchini and a vanilla shake... I know I know- slow down :) We also made several attempts at flying a kite, say attempts because it was just plain funny to watch. Below is a picture of a bike that we rented called the Cobi- It was incredibly hard to go up hills but it was so fun to watch people's reactions as we rode down the street.
We watched Pirates of the Carribbean 3 at the theater near the timeshare and with very little people... we didn't have to wait in any lines or get pushy with people. The movie was incredibly

awesome and as to be expected everyone is wondering if there will be a 4th movie.... I say leave it alone we don't want to make it like the land before time, ha ha. By the end of the movie, my pregnant butt was so ready to take a stretch... and I have to ask- Did everyone wait til after the credits to see what happens?? After the movie, I was exhausted so I stayed in the room, but the other decided to take a walk to the beach to see if we could watch the grunion run, there were tons of grunion jumping out of the water and some poor little squid who ended up beaching themselves trying to catch the grunion- How sad!

Sunday, we woke up late after a late night.... and after some contemplating decided to go down to Seaport Village- which according to the timeshare receptionist was "just down the street"... that was about hmmm... 40 minutes! Anyway, we got there and had some sandwiches and took some nice pictures, did some shopping... Here are some pictures they took of Andrew and I... and my pregnant belly :)

Monday, We woke up very late did some laundry and headed to Cookie's house to do some swimming.... Here are some funny pictures they took of me in my maternity bathing suit!!

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