Are going to be ending this week and next week, Sad DAY!
Grey's Anatomy season finale ended last night tragically, and totally not leaving me with a feeling that I am itching to watch next season at all. It was a painful last episode and very disappointing, I say very disappointing.
Heroes only has 1 episode left and unlike Grey's Anatomy, I am

always left wanting more with Heroes, it's so intriguing and unpredictable! What is going to happen with Hiro Nakamura??
LOST, another one of my favorite shows- will be ending next week also. Unexpected turn of events with the characters, and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next episode with Charlie! I was told they only have 1 more season and then it will be ending. I assume that they can only make the story last for so long before people get bored and want to see them get rescued already. I still love the show and would not mind if it continued on.
Our newest adventures, that we can still continue to watch because we are

playing catch up is
24 with Keifer Sutherland. This originally was not a series that I thought we would like, but once I started watching it- Wow pretty intense shows. Also,
Alias with J
ennifer Garner- we started with Season 1 on DVD and have slowly worked our way up to Season 3 on DVD. Only 2 more season of Alias left before we complete it. I love watching all my favorite shows without commercials, so much time is not wasted sitting around waiting for it to come back.
There are definitely a lot of other shows I

would like to watch, like America's next top model, Extreme Home Makeover, American Idol, etc. but I just can't get those on Itunes yet. Someday... it will come soon don't you worry :)
we are 24 freaks - have all the episodes! We are so behind and will have to play catch up at some point. Haven't quite gotten to Alias yet, although have heard it is good.
We LOVE Heroes - can't wait til it starts up again this Fall!!
I don't watch any of the other shows, except ANTM. I love that show! Yay Jaslene!
You forgot to mention American Idol! That show ends tonight! It's gotta be Jordan that wins!!! I NEVER vote when I watch the show but I did last night - just for good measure. :) We'll see!
Hey, I was just looking at the pics you uploaded in this post and the guy in the middle on the Alias pic looks a lot like Parkman on Heroes. Is it the same guy?
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