John 17:6-8- Robert Elliott
He has made the Father known to us, as his disciples, like 4th of July fireworks- Big, Extravagant, and Colorful. His truths are visible even from thousands of feet away.
Moses, perhaps, the greatest man on earth- Even as great and righteous as he was was only allowed to see the back side of God.
Jesus tells us more about God here, in these passages, than Moses could ever show us. Jesus reveals to us the Holiness and Compassion of God- the Power of God and Tenderness of God. It's Christ that shows us these things not Moses. Moses only gave us glimpses, whereas, Jesus is the full sunshine that shows us through all generations the true God and all His attributes.
I have manifested You to men because YOU HAVE GIVEN THEM TO ME.
We can't look at anything the same once we've seen God. From the most beautiful star in the sky, to the most intricate flower growing out of the ground, we can never look at these the same once we've seen God's beauty.
James Montgomery Boice- Everything is God's, for he made it originally and can do with it what He pleases... Everything is God's and obeys the laws that He has set, from the smallest atom to the greatest star.
If God is God at all, then everything is His, if it isn't God's than God isn't God at all and we might as well find another God, right?
The Word of God has been presented and it opened their heart and has changed their minds, is now something that they have embraced and made their own. It is no longer about their own noble insights, it's about them embracing the Word of God and the Truth of God.

Celebrating at the end of this month is our 2 year anniversary, and watching this NOOMA video "Flame" was pretty cool. What does love mean to you? Do you have a Raya, a Ahava, or a Dod flame in your marriage, or do you have all three? If you're reading those words and going... what are you talking about? Read below in the notes I have written and you'll understand.
"Song of Songs was originally written in the Hebrew language, which has three different words for our English word 'love'.
The first word we find is the word 'Raya'. Raya would be translated literally as 'friend', or 'companion'- somebody you hang out with.
Another Hebrew word we find for love is 'Ahava'
Ahava is the love of the will. Now, this is way more profound than fleeting romantic feelings. This is much more than temporary urges. Ahava is making a decision to join your life to the life of another. This is an emotion that leads to commitment.
There's a a third Hebrew word for love that we find in Song of Songs. It's the word 'Dod.'
Dod is translated in English, literally, as to 'carouse', to 'rock', or to 'fondle.'
Dod is the physical, sexual element to a relationship."
So, after reading these three definitions what kind of flame do you have, or do you and your spouse have all 3 flames? The kind of spouse that is your friend, your devoted partner, and your lover? Being close to our anniversary, and being appreciative of the kind of close relationship I have with my husband, this was a good video to watch.
In today's society, people are left empty because their marriage only had 1 or maybe even 2 flames. They are left unsatisfied in their marriage because the lack the 3 pieces that truly make a marriage last.
"We have our raya flame. We have our ahava flame. And, we have our dod flame.
One flame burning all by itself will never be as hot as all the flames burning together. I mean, we were created for all the flames to burn as one.
When you separate the flames, it can never really satisfy. It's like you're living outside of how God wired you to live"
True sexuality is vast and mysterious. It involves all of you. I mean, you have a body, but you also have a soul and a spirit. And love is two people coming together and giving all of themselves to each other forever."
Need I say any more? Happy Anniversary to us, April 30th!
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