Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Shortly before I left for lunch I am sitting at my desk and the funniest thing happened. I think the baby had hiccups, because for about 5 minutes I felt this rhythmic tapping on my stomach and then after that it stopped. I think that was about the only thing I think it could have been. Pretty cool I think!

* My Dr's appt last Thursday was good, Andrew and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat again. Also, we got set up with the actual Ultrasound appt in 2 weeks, where you have to have full bladder and the whole deal. This would be where they would tell us the baby's age and if it is in line with my due date and if we wanted to know (which we don't) the sex of the baby. Pretty exciting because I haven't seen a new picture of the baby since I was 10 weeks pregnant and I am sure he/ she has grown quite a bit. Fun fun!!!

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