Are we standing on Holy ground all the time and we are passing by burning bushes left and right, but because we are moving too fast and distracted we miss them? Do we take for granted that what we stand on is Holy Ground?
The word LORD is in the Bible nearly 6,000 times. In Hebrew the name is really 4 letters, YHVH. These letter are pronounced "Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh. or as others say now Yahweh. In some traditions this is never even pronounced because it's considered so sacred, so mysterious, so holy. The rabbi's even believed that they were kind of breathing sounds and that the name is simply unpronounceable.
Is the name of God the sound of breathing?

Yod Heh Vav Heh
The word for ground is Adame, God breathed life into Adam from dust
Do you ever have moments when you feel like you're seconds from losing it?
Each persons life is but a breathe- Life is fragile. We've been breathed into by the Creator of the Universe, and this divine breathe is in every single human. If no one ever realizes this, the truth still remains that God gave us life.
Hebrew language the word for breathe is the same word for spirit. The Hebrew word for breathe is "Ruah" and the Greek word is "Pneuma" . Scriptures state that when God takes away the "ruah" they die and return to dust. Cultures actually believed that the breathe of God literally resided within their own body. Having that spirit reside in you, sanctified you.
What happens when you breathe is that you let God in and you realize everything that you need to leave behind. If we were to be totally Honest, is there anything in your life that you need to breathe out? The spirit guides us into truth. God gives the spirit without limit. Is there anything you need to breathe in?
You are a sacred creation of God, flowing through all of us is the breathe of God and we are standing on Holy ground.
When a baby is born what is the first thing they have to do to survive, does this baby have to take a breathe or say the name of God, What is the last thing we do before we die, we take our last breathe or is it that we can no longer can say the name of God.
Yod Heh Vav Heh!
As you slow down may you realize that we live and move and breathe, Yod Heh Vav Heh!
-Notes taken from "Breathe" by Nooma