Monday, December 31, 2007
Sleeping on belly
Hezekiah managed to flip himself over twice last nice to fall asleep on his belly. So, last night I kept light sleeping because I couldn't figure out if I should let him sleep like that or try and flip him over on his back... I am doing some reading right now to find out.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Vanity thy name is
Doing my devotion this morning and was really touched by this thought. When we consider our relationship with Christ do we have vanity and pride. Do we take seriously that Christ died on the cross for us. If we do not treat this act of love for us seriously, we are making a mockery of Jesus Christ dying for us on the cross. Does your life have meaning or is it empty and void? If your life feels empty, put down the vanity and pride and seek Christ in His true form and come with an open heart ready to receive. Here is some I typed from the book that really hit me:
"One of the best of the old gospel hymns opens with these lines:
Years I spent in vanity and pride
caring not my Lord was crucified,
knowing not it was for me He died
at Calvary
Perhaps you can identify with spending too much of your life in vanity and pride. Vanity simply means that whatever you do ends in emptiness; there's simply nothing there. And pride won't let you admit it.
But though all this can be true about us, God marshals the resources of heaven to pursue us and rescue us. It's all grace; it's nothing we deserve. Simply because He loves us, He begins to draw us to Himself. Suddenly, the lights come on and truth dawns. We experience great grief over how we've treated Him, how we never really cared that He was crucified.
Inevitably, every Christian comes to stand at what the hymn calls Calvary a name for the place where the cross of Christ stood. There, as you let God open your understanding, you see the truth: 'It was for me He died!" By faith, we accept that this was God's plan, God's purpose. This was God's way of providing salvation for us.
It changes everything. Your heart receives and knows what before you knew only in your head. And it begins to affect the whole of your life."
"Are you believing all that He says about the cross and responding to all that He is in His grace and love, as demonstrated in the cross? If not, you're in danger of making the death of Christ a mockery.
Be assured that the death of His Son was not a mockery to God- it was His supreme and solitary provision of salvation, fully adequate for every person everywhere in the world, at all times, under all conditions, and totally effectual to bring any and every sinner into a vibrant relationship with Himself.
So the question I keep trying to get believers to ask themselves is this: Where is the evidence that my life has been transformed?"
Taken from Experiencing the cross by Henry T. Blackaby
"One of the best of the old gospel hymns opens with these lines:
Years I spent in vanity and pride
caring not my Lord was crucified,
knowing not it was for me He died
at Calvary
Perhaps you can identify with spending too much of your life in vanity and pride. Vanity simply means that whatever you do ends in emptiness; there's simply nothing there. And pride won't let you admit it.
But though all this can be true about us, God marshals the resources of heaven to pursue us and rescue us. It's all grace; it's nothing we deserve. Simply because He loves us, He begins to draw us to Himself. Suddenly, the lights come on and truth dawns. We experience great grief over how we've treated Him, how we never really cared that He was crucified.
Inevitably, every Christian comes to stand at what the hymn calls Calvary a name for the place where the cross of Christ stood. There, as you let God open your understanding, you see the truth: 'It was for me He died!" By faith, we accept that this was God's plan, God's purpose. This was God's way of providing salvation for us.
It changes everything. Your heart receives and knows what before you knew only in your head. And it begins to affect the whole of your life."
"Are you believing all that He says about the cross and responding to all that He is in His grace and love, as demonstrated in the cross? If not, you're in danger of making the death of Christ a mockery.
Be assured that the death of His Son was not a mockery to God- it was His supreme and solitary provision of salvation, fully adequate for every person everywhere in the world, at all times, under all conditions, and totally effectual to bring any and every sinner into a vibrant relationship with Himself.
So the question I keep trying to get believers to ask themselves is this: Where is the evidence that my life has been transformed?"
Taken from Experiencing the cross by Henry T. Blackaby
Friday, December 28, 2007
Who doesn't love a good sale??
I love the after Christmas sales... and who doesn't right? Especially since a lot of places are still offering- yep you got it FREE SHIPPING :) Here are a few links to a few of my favorite places to shop online:

(I only shop sephora for the mineral make up because I love thier mineral make up so much)

(Love this for home decor)

(Love this for home decor)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas 2007
We celebrated our first Christmas with Hezekiah and he really had no idea what was going on but he did relatively well considering all 3 of us are sick with a cold. We had family over to our place this Christmas since Hezekiah is so small I didn't want to cart him around everywhere this year. My mom and step-dad came over, my sister, her husband and my nephew came over and even my niece was dropped off. We cooked Eggs Benedict with fruit and OJ and ate breakfast together using my Grandma's silverware (since this is the first Christmas without her here anymore)... I really miss my Grandma! We opened all our presents and then just hung out watched some TV played some video games and just relaxed. I loved it, and was so happy everyone was so accommodating with Hezekiah. It would be nice if we could rotate Christmas every year to someone else's house so everyone has a chance to host Christmas.
We both had a rough night last night, he woke up around 4am and was fussing so I laid there in bed for a bit to see if he would go back to sleep and eventually he did but I could hear his little runny nose... aww poor baby! He woke up again this morning around 6am, I fed him and put him back to sleep and he is still asleep right now at 10:15am- I wonder how long he will stay asleep? He is sooo not feeling good today with being sick. Just gotta let him sleep it off... I guess. Here is a slideshow of some pictures we took from Christmas. Hope you enjoy :)
We both had a rough night last night, he woke up around 4am and was fussing so I laid there in bed for a bit to see if he would go back to sleep and eventually he did but I could hear his little runny nose... aww poor baby! He woke up again this morning around 6am, I fed him and put him back to sleep and he is still asleep right now at 10:15am- I wonder how long he will stay asleep? He is sooo not feeling good today with being sick. Just gotta let him sleep it off... I guess. Here is a slideshow of some pictures we took from Christmas. Hope you enjoy :)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Done, Done, and Done!
Done #1: This week has been somewhat stressful for me I have been really blessed in the fact that I have been able to stay home with the baby for the last couple of months and I just love being home with him. But alas, I knew this would only be temporary and I have been trying to come to grips with that fact that I will be returning to work in about 3 weeks. Which is 2 weeks earlier than originally planned because silly me misunderstood the maternity leave information. I do get 8 weeks off for my c-section and then 12 weeks for my Paid Family Leave, but of those 12 weeks only 6 of them would be paid and I was NOT prepared for this. So this is why I will be returning to work a little bit earlier. So our schedule will consist basically of me working 8am-2pm M-F (to keep my benefits), Andrew taking care of the baby from 8-11am by working from home from 9am-11am and then dropping the baby off at daycare from 11am-2:30pm or so when I can pick him up after I get off work.
Done #2: Praise the Lord, I was so stressed about trying to find someone to watch the baby and yet God is still so good to me through this stressful time and he provided a path for our family. Someone from our church's daughter does day care during the day, she has 2 wonderful kids herself so I know she will be great. And because she is so amazing, I will only be paying approx. $100/wk versus $265/wk (Kindercare). God has once again been gracious to us and provided an open door, I give thanks to God for such a blessing. I am really excited to bring the baby for daycare. I really like the idea of Hezekiah getting the social interaction with other kids so I think 3 hours or so is just an awesome thing just for that reason alone.
Done #3: Well almost done #3, Christmas is almost here and I think I covered all the bases or ar least tried to considering I had no car the last 3 weeks now and had to do all my Christmas shopping online. So now I just get to share the wonderful presents I bought with my family on Christmas day :)
Done #2: Praise the Lord, I was so stressed about trying to find someone to watch the baby and yet God is still so good to me through this stressful time and he provided a path for our family. Someone from our church's daughter does day care during the day, she has 2 wonderful kids herself so I know she will be great. And because she is so amazing, I will only be paying approx. $100/wk versus $265/wk (Kindercare). God has once again been gracious to us and provided an open door, I give thanks to God for such a blessing. I am really excited to bring the baby for daycare. I really like the idea of Hezekiah getting the social interaction with other kids so I think 3 hours or so is just an awesome thing just for that reason alone.
Done #3: Well almost done #3, Christmas is almost here and I think I covered all the bases or ar least tried to considering I had no car the last 3 weeks now and had to do all my Christmas shopping online. So now I just get to share the wonderful presents I bought with my family on Christmas day :)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
2007 Christmas newsletter
Here is our Christmas Newsletter 2007, you can open it up by clicking the link below. Hope you all enjoy :)
The Holybee Family Christmas 2007
The Holybee Family Christmas 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
If you can't say anything nice...
Please don't say anything at all. I love it when people don't have enough guts to put their own name on such a rude comment. At least if you're going to be rude and vindictive, you should at least own up to it. Thanks for the comments- Love ya!!!
Thoughts of work
Time is closing in on my being at home with Hezekiah. I found out surprisingly today that I received my last check from the state for being off of work with the baby. I am really disappointed, and things are definitely a lot tighter now that we know this is basically all I will have in pay until I return to work January 28th. Andrew and I will have to sit down tonight and look at finances and decide whether or not I have to return to work earlier than I had planned. Andrew's car is in the shop right now and won't be finished until after Christmas, and the work that HAS to be done is going to end up costing us like $8000!!! Which really puts us in a tighter spot than we wanted right now with me not working full time and being home with the baby. I am praying that God will open a door, and things will work out financially so I don't have to return to work right after the new year.
When I return to work I will only be working from 8am-2pm M-F, which allows me to keep my full time status and my benefits for me and the baby which works out great because I was scrambling on how to figure out how to get the baby and I health benefits since I was only going to be going back to work part time. I really miss my job, and being in the department with my co-workers but I am so torn because I cry just thinking about not waking up with the baby and being able to feed him all day and see him develop. I know I will probably miss a lot of his milestones now that I will be working more hours than I thought. I praise the LORD that Andrew's work has been so accomodating, they are allowing him to work from home until 2pm when I get off work and come home then Andrew will be able to go into the office and finish his hours... I am sooo thankful for that! I am going to miss my baby so much, awww I just cry thinking about leaving him :(
When I return to work I will only be working from 8am-2pm M-F, which allows me to keep my full time status and my benefits for me and the baby which works out great because I was scrambling on how to figure out how to get the baby and I health benefits since I was only going to be going back to work part time. I really miss my job, and being in the department with my co-workers but I am so torn because I cry just thinking about not waking up with the baby and being able to feed him all day and see him develop. I know I will probably miss a lot of his milestones now that I will be working more hours than I thought. I praise the LORD that Andrew's work has been so accomodating, they are allowing him to work from home until 2pm when I get off work and come home then Andrew will be able to go into the office and finish his hours... I am sooo thankful for that! I am going to miss my baby so much, awww I just cry thinking about leaving him :(
Friday, December 14, 2007
The overflow
It's the overflow of my heart. I am not a prideful person except when it comes to my little son! I just love him more and more each day. Every week seems to bring new adventures, and what worked last week in getting him to sleep doesn't work this week. He wants to be held while he gets drowsy and then I can lay him in his crib and he falls right to sleep. Whereas before, he had no problem going right to his crib and falling asleep after about 5 minutes of sleep. I know that pretty soon he will probably start putting 2 and 2 together that if he cries he is always going to get picked up, so I am being cautious with that during the nap time.
He is such a great baby, and I could have NEVER asked the Lord for a better baby. What baby doesn't have his bad days, but as a whole he's pretty independent... doesn't mind playing on the floor or wierd people holding him. He only cries when he needs something, and when he gets tired he gets fussy. What baby doesn't though right!? His personality seems to be very happy, he smiles at almost everything I do, and stares at me in wonder when I eat a meal. With a face of like "What are you doing?" I just love his little voice, me and him play on the floor together while he just talks up a storm. Cooing at everything inlcuding the TV, hopefully he doesn't get hooked on the TV yet! I have so much love for him, and as I was rocking him so he would get drowsy I just stare at him and smile and I still think.... I cannot believe you were in my belly. I love you Hezekiah!
He is such a great baby, and I could have NEVER asked the Lord for a better baby. What baby doesn't have his bad days, but as a whole he's pretty independent... doesn't mind playing on the floor or wierd people holding him. He only cries when he needs something, and when he gets tired he gets fussy. What baby doesn't though right!? His personality seems to be very happy, he smiles at almost everything I do, and stares at me in wonder when I eat a meal. With a face of like "What are you doing?" I just love his little voice, me and him play on the floor together while he just talks up a storm. Cooing at everything inlcuding the TV, hopefully he doesn't get hooked on the TV yet! I have so much love for him, and as I was rocking him so he would get drowsy I just stare at him and smile and I still think.... I cannot believe you were in my belly. I love you Hezekiah!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Merry Christmas...
From the newest addition to the Holybee family! I just had to make sure and post this picture because he just looks so doggone cute with the santa hat. These were not taken at a studio, I did them myself at casa de Holybee in his room and used a nice white soft blanket for his backdrop... so much fun. My poor baby is gonna hate me when he gets older because I take so many pictures of him ;) Christmas time is always fun!!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Hezekiah rolling over!
Hezekiah has mastered the rolling over from his belly to his back, he's on his way from back to belly. I am so excited to see this development, he has such strong legs that when on his bac will brace his feet on the floor and lift his whole body off the ground. Crazy kid! Take a look:
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
First time for everything
Feeding the baby this morning and I finish with him and attempt to burp him and instead of a burp coming up I get all of the food he just ate all over me and the couch and the boppy. So, it's official I have been initiated with him pooping all over me and now throw up. I guess he just wasn't hungry or something because he doesn't seem upset or anything after it happened. So wierd, Thanks for the memories kiddo!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hezekiah's room and new stuff
Okay, so I have finally gotten around to putting things on the walls for Hezekiah's room, and it's not that it would take me long to do any of this but I still just didn't make it a priority or he was napping soo... I finally did it! Below are some pictures:

New stuff? Hezekiah has slowly been rolling over all on his own. He hates tummy time when I try to lay him down he only lasts for like 2 minutes and then starts wailing so I have slowly started to increasing the time he spends on his tummy. He was laying on his tummy and then out of nowhere threw his legs over and rolled over, I was quite surprised! But he is developing and just looking at him you can just see the wheels in his head spinning as he tries to comprehend things. I just love being a mommy to him, it's so awesome and I never imagined how much I would love this little man, Also below are some pictures I have taken of him that I love of him!

New stuff? Hezekiah has slowly been rolling over all on his own. He hates tummy time when I try to lay him down he only lasts for like 2 minutes and then starts wailing so I have slowly started to increasing the time he spends on his tummy. He was laying on his tummy and then out of nowhere threw his legs over and rolled over, I was quite surprised! But he is developing and just looking at him you can just see the wheels in his head spinning as he tries to comprehend things. I just love being a mommy to him, it's so awesome and I never imagined how much I would love this little man, Also below are some pictures I have taken of him that I love of him!
Monday, November 26, 2007
It's beginning to feel...
My love is spilling over!
We have been so blessed, and I know I say this almost every time I write a blog but it's so true and I just cannot say it enough because I feel so undeserving. My love is spilling over for my family, I am decorating my Christmas tree tonight and thinking about the day and about how wonderful my husband is. How he still thinks I am the hottest woman alive even after having a baby, how patient he is with me in my times of drama, and how he inspires me to be a better person with his devotion to Christ and reading His word.
I was looking at Hezekiah and he is eating tonight and I just stare at him all the time because of how wonderful he is. He smiles and squeals with delight as I play with him tonight and his smile just melts my heart every single time. Hezekiah is asleep on my chest as I rock him I feel him breathing and see his little body move with each breath and I look down and his eyes are tightly shut and I just want to give him a big hug and tell him how much I love him. I am cherishing this little moments because before we know it he will be running around and he won't be my little snuggle bunny anymore. My heart just spills over with love for him and I feel like I just cannot contain how MUCH I love him. I never imagined in a million years how much I would love my little baby, but it seems like it is just never ending. And even on his worst days when he is fussy and crying I still think about how cute he is. He brings me such joy every day because it's always something new. I can look at him as he looks at me and I can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he comprehends things. It is just how awesome how intricate God created us!
So what do you do with love in your life that is just spilling over, Just give thanks to the LORD for allowing us to experience this kind of love and share it with others. Here I am writing this blog, sharing with others my love. Merry Christmas.... here the Holybee's come!
I was looking at Hezekiah and he is eating tonight and I just stare at him all the time because of how wonderful he is. He smiles and squeals with delight as I play with him tonight and his smile just melts my heart every single time. Hezekiah is asleep on my chest as I rock him I feel him breathing and see his little body move with each breath and I look down and his eyes are tightly shut and I just want to give him a big hug and tell him how much I love him. I am cherishing this little moments because before we know it he will be running around and he won't be my little snuggle bunny anymore. My heart just spills over with love for him and I feel like I just cannot contain how MUCH I love him. I never imagined in a million years how much I would love my little baby, but it seems like it is just never ending. And even on his worst days when he is fussy and crying I still think about how cute he is. He brings me such joy every day because it's always something new. I can look at him as he looks at me and I can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he comprehends things. It is just how awesome how intricate God created us!
So what do you do with love in your life that is just spilling over, Just give thanks to the LORD for allowing us to experience this kind of love and share it with others. Here I am writing this blog, sharing with others my love. Merry Christmas.... here the Holybee's come!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
10 reason to be thankful:
1) For our Savior who came to the earth, died on the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day
2) A God who provides for us in every way
3) For our son, Hezekiah, who overjoys our lives even more with each day
4) For my husband, who is so patient and still thinks I am the hottest thing alive even after having a baby
5) With Family to love and to love us
6) Friends who fill our lives with laughter
7) Sleep that increases with each month
8) For having 2 cars, so that when the other one goes into the shop (like now) we still are able to get around
9) For jobs that we both have wonderful bosses that are just simply amazing!
10) Being able to read our Bible every day without fear of persecution
I wanted to post this because I think all too often we sit around and stuff our faces with turkey every year and a some times we go around the table and say 1 thing that we are thankful for this year.... I think we can do better than that right!?
What happened today? We got ready this morning after sleeping in (Andrew didn't wake up until 11am and me 9am)- side note: Hezekiah slept for 7 hours last night and 7 1/2 the night before (whoo hooo!)- anyway, got ready and headed to my in- laws house and enjoyed a small piece of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, and rolls.... yummmmmm!!! What I ate was pretty outside of Dr's recommendations at this point, but I couldn't pass up the stuffing- I just couldn't. We were able to sit around the fire and just talk and joke around it was a great time! It was Hezekiah's first Thanksgiving and I know he won't remember any of these holidays but I still take pictures so I can show him when he gets older that- Indeed, you were there. Here are some pictures from the event, I just love deciding how to dress him. So much fun! In our family picture, I think the turkey got to Hezekiah too s you can see he is totally knocked out :)

**Also, in reference to Andrew's car being in the shop... It will be there for a month or so they are having to do a total engine overhaul which is costing us a pretty penny- ugh!!! At least God has provided for us so we are able to do this :)
1) For our Savior who came to the earth, died on the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day
2) A God who provides for us in every way
3) For our son, Hezekiah, who overjoys our lives even more with each day
4) For my husband, who is so patient and still thinks I am the hottest thing alive even after having a baby
5) With Family to love and to love us
6) Friends who fill our lives with laughter
7) Sleep that increases with each month
8) For having 2 cars, so that when the other one goes into the shop (like now) we still are able to get around
9) For jobs that we both have wonderful bosses that are just simply amazing!
10) Being able to read our Bible every day without fear of persecution
I wanted to post this because I think all too often we sit around and stuff our faces with turkey every year and a some times we go around the table and say 1 thing that we are thankful for this year.... I think we can do better than that right!?
What happened today? We got ready this morning after sleeping in (Andrew didn't wake up until 11am and me 9am)- side note: Hezekiah slept for 7 hours last night and 7 1/2 the night before (whoo hooo!)- anyway, got ready and headed to my in- laws house and enjoyed a small piece of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, and rolls.... yummmmmm!!! What I ate was pretty outside of Dr's recommendations at this point, but I couldn't pass up the stuffing- I just couldn't. We were able to sit around the fire and just talk and joke around it was a great time! It was Hezekiah's first Thanksgiving and I know he won't remember any of these holidays but I still take pictures so I can show him when he gets older that- Indeed, you were there. Here are some pictures from the event, I just love deciding how to dress him. So much fun! In our family picture, I think the turkey got to Hezekiah too s you can see he is totally knocked out :)
**Also, in reference to Andrew's car being in the shop... It will be there for a month or so they are having to do a total engine overhaul which is costing us a pretty penny- ugh!!! At least God has provided for us so we are able to do this :)
Monday, November 19, 2007
All things new
Friday, I had an appointment with my Dr for some GI problems I am still continuing to have and there pretty much wasn't much that they could do for me since I am breastfeeding still, so now I am on a pretty strict diet (which I should be on anyway) but I have to stay away from Breads, Dairy, and Meat... which as you can see limits me to veggies and fruit. So be vegetarian or not to be vegetarian? I am going to be pretty careful with the amount of meat I eat and eat very little, but I don't believe that a no meat diet is healthy at all.
Saturday, had an appointment with a young girl who is getting married in March and wanted to book me for a wedding. So, I covered all the bases... like what her payment includes and what it doesn't include and what the costs are for prints and had her take a look at my portfolio. Booked it is for a March wedding. I have another referral for a wedding for July, I am still waiting to hear from her about whether or not she has decided to book me for this date as well so that one is still pending.
Also, went to a house warming BBQ later in the afternoon.
Sunday, enjoyed a nice church service and had dinner with friends and headed home for the night. Not a bad weekend, looking forward to Christmas!!
Saturday, had an appointment with a young girl who is getting married in March and wanted to book me for a wedding. So, I covered all the bases... like what her payment includes and what it doesn't include and what the costs are for prints and had her take a look at my portfolio. Booked it is for a March wedding. I have another referral for a wedding for July, I am still waiting to hear from her about whether or not she has decided to book me for this date as well so that one is still pending.
Also, went to a house warming BBQ later in the afternoon.
Sunday, enjoyed a nice church service and had dinner with friends and headed home for the night. Not a bad weekend, looking forward to Christmas!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Cooking a turkey
Today is our church's annual Thanksgiving, where members of the church all get together and do our own Thanksgiving dinner before the actual holiday a good time for fellowship. The church was in need of some more people to cook a turkey. So, I decided that I was going to go ahead and cook a turkey for the first time. I have never done this before, but I guess there has to be a first time for everything right? I still have about 2 hours of cooking to go and then I have to carve it all.... Yikes, hopefully it stays moist!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
2 month immunizations
Hezekiah weighed in today at 11lbs and 10oz and 23 1/4 inches, he is in the 50th percentile of his height and weight. They gave him his 2 month immunizations, and I have to say I am so proud of him! He did so well will the 3 little shots they gave him, but I made sure to give him infants Tylenol beforehand. He just cried a little bit and then I gave him a pacifier and he just sucked away, and as soon as we got in the car he just fell asleep. The nurse said he is just doing such a great job compared to other babies.
When talking with the pediatrician he asked how long he is sleeping at night and I told him "He sleeps on average 5-6 hours a night, every once in a while like a couple of nights ago he slept 7 1/2 hours" the pediatrician said "You are pretty lucky, most babies don't sleep that long until they are 3 to 4 months" He also asked if he cries a lot, and I said "No, not really. He only cries if he needs something like a diaper change, or he's tired." The pediatrician said "It's amazing how babies disposition depend on their home environment. If it's a stressful environment babies tend to be colicky and if they live in a calm environment they tend to be calm babies. So it looks like you are doing a good job."
"How about his feeding? What is he eating?"
He still eating breastmilk and He eats anywhere between 3 to 4 hours, on average every 3 hours. Pediatrician said that it's important that you dictate when the baby eats otherwise it lets them know that they will always dictate what they get and when they get it. You control what they get and when they get it, and this let's them know that I will listen to you but I know what you need and it doesn't always mean you'll get what you want."
Make sure to check the website I made for him, I have updated it with some more pictures!
When talking with the pediatrician he asked how long he is sleeping at night and I told him "He sleeps on average 5-6 hours a night, every once in a while like a couple of nights ago he slept 7 1/2 hours" the pediatrician said "You are pretty lucky, most babies don't sleep that long until they are 3 to 4 months" He also asked if he cries a lot, and I said "No, not really. He only cries if he needs something like a diaper change, or he's tired." The pediatrician said "It's amazing how babies disposition depend on their home environment. If it's a stressful environment babies tend to be colicky and if they live in a calm environment they tend to be calm babies. So it looks like you are doing a good job."
"How about his feeding? What is he eating?"
He still eating breastmilk and He eats anywhere between 3 to 4 hours, on average every 3 hours. Pediatrician said that it's important that you dictate when the baby eats otherwise it lets them know that they will always dictate what they get and when they get it. You control what they get and when they get it, and this let's them know that I will listen to you but I know what you need and it doesn't always mean you'll get what you want."
Make sure to check the website I made for him, I have updated it with some more pictures!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Baby's room
The baby's room is still a work in progress because I have done nothing with the walls and I have some really great ideas for what to put on the walls, I know that this will be one of the verses that I use:
2 Kings 19:15 "And Hezekiah prayed to the LORD: "O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned between cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of earth."
Here are so pictures of the room so far:

2 Kings 19:15 "And Hezekiah prayed to the LORD: "O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned between cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of earth."
Here are so pictures of the room so far:
Blogged with Flock
Monday, November 12, 2007
Extreme christmas gifts
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pictures to share
So if you don't mind the mess of our apartment here are some pictures I took. I am still unpacking and also awaiting our trip to IKEA before I can get rid of some of the junk laying around. Plus with a 2 month old baby sometimes it's hard to find the time to actually be focused enough to get things together. P.S. I don't have any pictures of the babies room yet because he was taking a nap when I was trying to take pictures.

God provides for us in amazing ways... because of the move to the new apartment and the fiasco with having to buy a new refrigerator because our old one wouldn't fit... it came that time of year at Andrew's work where they do the annual raises and bonuses. His boss knew we had to buy the new fridge so Andrew's bonus ended up being $800! How amazing is OUR GOD!!!
Andrew is such a great Dad! I just love watching him play with Hezekiah and getting him to smile. I am so excited to see all the cool milestones in him. I love being his Mom, I get to stay home and feed him, change him, play with him and get him to smile, and watch him fall asleep and these may seem like little things but WOW how amazing is it to be a mom and realize that we are parents to such a beautiful little boy.
God provides for us in amazing ways... because of the move to the new apartment and the fiasco with having to buy a new refrigerator because our old one wouldn't fit... it came that time of year at Andrew's work where they do the annual raises and bonuses. His boss knew we had to buy the new fridge so Andrew's bonus ended up being $800! How amazing is OUR GOD!!!
Andrew is such a great Dad! I just love watching him play with Hezekiah and getting him to smile. I am so excited to see all the cool milestones in him. I love being his Mom, I get to stay home and feed him, change him, play with him and get him to smile, and watch him fall asleep and these may seem like little things but WOW how amazing is it to be a mom and realize that we are parents to such a beautiful little boy.
Friday, November 09, 2007
230th Marine Corp Birthday
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
MIA (missing in action)
My sling has disappeared and I am so sad!!!

This is a picture of the sling that I had... I lost my sling and I don't know where is went. I loved that thing and not to mention with shipping it cost me almost $80.00. I have called everyone I could have that I could have left it at and they have not seen it. I am so sad and I really wish it would show up- If anyone has seen my sling please let me know :(
This is a picture of the sling that I had... I lost my sling and I don't know where is went. I loved that thing and not to mention with shipping it cost me almost $80.00. I have called everyone I could have that I could have left it at and they have not seen it. I am so sad and I really wish it would show up- If anyone has seen my sling please let me know :(
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Settling in
We have now been in our new 2 bedroom apartment for 3 days... and it has been a whirlwind! We thought it was going to be an easy move except for one little fiasco. We thought our new fridge was going to fit in the new apartment- boy were we wrong. We ended up having to stop movng right in the middle to go out shopping for a new fridge. I will blog with new pictures in the next couple of weeks, we are still trying to unpack.
I have to say it has been really nice the last couple of days having Hezekiah in his own room and not having him waking up everytime he hears us move. We had the cable and internet installed today so this has been my first post in the last couple of days because we have not had internet. Wow, I can't believe how much I depended on internet:)
Holidays are coming... and I cannot wait to get our Christmas tree and start decorating already. Yipeee!
I have to say it has been really nice the last couple of days having Hezekiah in his own room and not having him waking up everytime he hears us move. We had the cable and internet installed today so this has been my first post in the last couple of days because we have not had internet. Wow, I can't believe how much I depended on internet:)
Holidays are coming... and I cannot wait to get our Christmas tree and start decorating already. Yipeee!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
What's new?
Yesterday was kind of a crazy day, seems like nothing seemed to go according to plans... and we really didn't dress Hezekiah up for Halloween because he really is too young to remember any of it. Next year, Hezekiah will be dressed up as a bee.
Hezekiah did not nap well or sleep well the last couple of days- He has been waking up every 2 hours at night versus his normal 4-5 hours. I have a humidifier in the room because lately has has been waking up with boogers. So, I figured this should help a little bit. I think he wakes up because he was having a hard time breathing or something because other than that the diaper wasn't dirty or anything. Today, Hezekiah has been doing well on his naps, falling asleep when he should... so hopefully tonight will be a better night:)
Andrew got off work and we went straight over the leasing office and signed our new lease papers and got the keys to our new apartment. We went and took a look to make sure everything was cleaned and ready for this weekends move. We just have to transfer over the power, gas, and cable to the new apartment. Hoepfully, this will be done in time for Saturday!
After this, we went straight to the mall to pick up our new Lovesac, (the Big One) and didn't anticipate how large it would be and we came in our Honda Civic thinking that it would fit- HA HA. That was a big joke, we had to call one of our friends (Clint) who has a truck to come and help us move it. Then we had to head out to my mom's house in Menifee because it was her birthday and we wanted to spend some time with her. With the whole fiasco with the Lovesac, it took us a while to get going so we only ended up spending about an hour with my mom before we had to head back so I could put Hezekiah to bed.
Ayyy yayy yayyy!!! So this weekend is the moving weekend for us to move into our new apartment. More moving yeah!! I am excited for Hezekiah to have his own room now. Here are some new pictures of Hezekiah, he is turning 2 months old already!
Hezekiah did not nap well or sleep well the last couple of days- He has been waking up every 2 hours at night versus his normal 4-5 hours. I have a humidifier in the room because lately has has been waking up with boogers. So, I figured this should help a little bit. I think he wakes up because he was having a hard time breathing or something because other than that the diaper wasn't dirty or anything. Today, Hezekiah has been doing well on his naps, falling asleep when he should... so hopefully tonight will be a better night:)
Andrew got off work and we went straight over the leasing office and signed our new lease papers and got the keys to our new apartment. We went and took a look to make sure everything was cleaned and ready for this weekends move. We just have to transfer over the power, gas, and cable to the new apartment. Hoepfully, this will be done in time for Saturday!
After this, we went straight to the mall to pick up our new Lovesac, (the Big One) and didn't anticipate how large it would be and we came in our Honda Civic thinking that it would fit- HA HA. That was a big joke, we had to call one of our friends (Clint) who has a truck to come and help us move it. Then we had to head out to my mom's house in Menifee because it was her birthday and we wanted to spend some time with her. With the whole fiasco with the Lovesac, it took us a while to get going so we only ended up spending about an hour with my mom before we had to head back so I could put Hezekiah to bed.
Ayyy yayy yayyy!!! So this weekend is the moving weekend for us to move into our new apartment. More moving yeah!! I am excited for Hezekiah to have his own room now. Here are some new pictures of Hezekiah, he is turning 2 months old already!
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