1) For our Savior who came to the earth, died on the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day
2) A God who provides for us in every way
3) For our son, Hezekiah, who overjoys our lives even more with each day
4) For my husband, who is so patient and still thinks I am the hottest thing alive even after having a baby
5) With Family to love and to love us
6) Friends who fill our lives with laughter
7) Sleep that increases with each month
8) For having 2 cars, so that when the other one goes into the shop (like now) we still are able to get around
9) For jobs that we both have wonderful bosses that are just simply amazing!
10) Being able to read our Bible every day without fear of persecution
I wanted to post this because I think all too often we sit around and stuff our faces with turkey every year and a some times we go around the table and say 1 thing that we are thankful for this year.... I think we can do better than that right!?
What happened today? We got ready this morning after sleeping in (Andrew didn't wake up until 11am and me 9am)- side note: Hezekiah slept for 7 hours last night and 7 1/2 the night before (whoo hooo!)- anyway, got ready and headed to my in- laws house and enjoyed a small piece of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, and rolls.... yummmmmm!!! What I ate was pretty outside of Dr's recommendations at this point, but I couldn't pass up the stuffing- I just couldn't. We were able to sit around the fire and just talk and joke around it was a great time! It was Hezekiah's first Thanksgiving and I know he won't remember any of these holidays but I still take pictures so I can show him when he gets older that- Indeed, you were there. Here are some pictures from the event, I just love deciding how to dress him. So much fun! In our family picture, I think the turkey got to Hezekiah too s you can see he is totally knocked out :)
**Also, in reference to Andrew's car being in the shop... It will be there for a month or so they are having to do a total engine overhaul which is costing us a pretty penny- ugh!!! At least God has provided for us so we are able to do this :)
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