Monday, November 20, 2006

This Christmas

I am forever changed by God laying such truths on my heart. After
convention, God has changed my heart in such a way that I want to help
others that have less than me. In all reality, some people consider where I
live and say huh? Even as little as Andrew and I have, we still have 50%
more than population of the world. The reality is I never have to wake up
wondering if I will have a roof over my head or food to eat. Instead of
wondering if I'll eat, I am wondering what I am going to eat. The reality
is that in the U.S., 300,000 people will die due to causes from over
consumption. The reality is that every day people are dying due to causes
from starvation.

This Christmas, I have a heavy heart of what God has laid on my heart. Why
should I give people more "stuff" to people that already have "stuff".
Shouldn't I be caring for the weak, the poor, the dying? Not that anyone I
know should feel offended because I do not give them a gift for
Christmas... Don't be offended be inspired to do something for someone
else who has less. I needed a push, but a friend of mine decided to make a
sacrifice and donate to Blood Water Mission (www.
what she would have spent on gifts for Christmas. I had been thinking about
what I should do for Christmas for people, but when I heard this I knew
that God had been calling me to do the same. I am not donating because it
makes me feel good, but because if I am only able to affect one person by
my donations then at least I helped that one person. How could I ignore a
tug at the heart? I still imagine that child in India dying of starvation
and orphaned, the nun comforting the child, still hits me hard when I see

If you feel so called, or have some time please check out Blood Water
Mission teaming up with Jars of Clay. Many children and adults die in 3rd
world countries because of the inability to get clean water. Blood Water
Mission is working to change this problem. Their website is :

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