Vicky Beeching did the worship this morning, Jars of Clay was the entertainment band this morning, song Dead Man is awesome live.
The speaker this morning brought me to tears, and I was overwhelmed. His name was Shane Claiborne, really funky guy who has dreads and was pretty funny. He was so awesome, he grew up in the back woods of Tennessee and thought one day there has to more to Christianity that this. He ended up the hardest parts of Philadelphia and lived like the homeless. You see, Jesus didn't have a home, nowhere to lay his head. He has shared everything that he has been given. He brings families in and gives them a hope for the future.
Shane also went to Calcutta, India and worked as an intern under Mother Theresa before she had passed away. He saw some of the most amazing sights, these Nuns were awesome in taking care of the dying. Mother Theresa never took the best of anything, when shoes came in she always picked the worst pair so that other would have better than her. So because of this, her feet were deformed.
Shane came this morning to speak, and with the money that he would have been paid for coming there to speak he received in all $1 bills. He literally wrote "LOVE" on each bill and had prayed over the money. What he did, blows me away!!! He took those $1 bills and had them spread all over the alter in front of where he was speaking. He asked everyone to come down and take $1 bill and promise that if you take it that you are making a commitment to serve and to help those that are in need. I am amazed at this man, he only receives money to take care of his daily needs which is $150 a month.
What really got me this morning was the video of a Nun in Calcutta who has caring for a boy who was dying and in this video she is stroking him to try and help him feel better and as I am crying and overwhelmed by the need in the world for our help. We are gluttons! Over 300,000 people this year have died, and these deaths all could have been prevented in they didn't over consume. I was sitting there crying overwhelmed by how much we have and so little others do. So what does it mean to live a humble life to you? What does it mean... when other countries suffer from starvation and AIDS when we sit in our comfy homes and watch TV? This message was over powering, and to see a man like this... WOW! Christ does do miracles, and he is waiting for us to REVEAL Him so that he can do His work.
We went through the One Life Experience, where you do a walk through of what it is like to live in a country in Africa, after the speech and going through the One Life Experience... We sponsored a little girl from Tanzania named Rehema Seif Omary. For only $32 a month through Compassion International. I know it's not much but I hope that it helps! I encourage anyone if you have enough to buy Starbucks more than a couple of times a month, than you can afford this also. We don't have much, but what God has given us we always try and use for others. Could we buy a house with that $32 a month, maybe... but how much more would it mean that we are helping someone else who does not have hardly anything at all. Think about it, and if you want to sponsor a child, please visit: www.Compassion.com.
1 comment:
Wow... How powerful.
I think Shaun Claiborne wrote The Irresistible Revolution. I've been wanting to read it for a while...
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