Monday, June 19, 2006


Alright well our rent went up again, and at this rate any more raising and
we won't be saving any money living where we are living with the rent. So,
we have kind of killed the idea of upgrading our RV.

Now, our next exploration will be to purchase a house. We decided with the
rent increase in the next year, Andrew and I are gonna powerhouse it and
save like our saving is a credit card payment and put away some major money
so we can buy a house. We are gonna sacrifice majorly to make this work
because we don't have another option unless we want to rent which would be
a major step back for Andrew and I financially. We will probably go FHA but
we will talk about it when we get there. So, keep us in your prayers so we
can bust out some major cash to buy a house.

I don't want a huge house, or a new house. One I have to fix up would be
just fine for us. I am not picky really except for what area it is located
in, I don't want to be in the ghetto. I would like something we can
decorate and paint ourselves and have some babies in someday.

Oh yeah on a side note, Andrew's parents sold their house in Riverside for
385K. Yipeee, now they don't have to pay 2 mortgages.

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