Okay, I have been doing a lot of reading as great as these disposable diapers are they almost work too good for any toddler to get the feeling of being wet. Since my mom says we were all potty trained around 14 months I figured it would be good to at least introduce the potty to Hezekiah... which we did (see below). I have been doing a lot of reading and everyone keeps saying that children that young don't get potty training but I beg to differ. I am in the process of doing research for either "training pants":
An economical and environmentally friendly alternative to disposables. Kushies lightweight taffeta training pants help promote toilet training as the 100% cotton flannel inner layer allows the child to feel the sensation of wetness while reducing the risk of rashing. The interior soaker layer provides extra absorbency against accidents.Or actual cloth diapers:

So does anyone have any suggestions that have worked for 1 year olds??

If you don't mind cleaning up a mess, just put him in undies. If it doesn't work for a week, try again in a few months.
I guess I don't have a whole lot of advice as I didn't begin potty-training with Kait until she was 2 or 2.5. But I have a friend who swears by this book:
Toilet Training in Less Than a Day by Nathan Azrin
Maybe you could check it out...
Oh yea I've heard good things about that book too. It might be good to try the strategies when you have a long weekend. I think it is based on devoting the entire day to the potty and things related to the potty.
Remember Baby Wise? They have a book called Potty Wise that looked promising.
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