Wednesday, November 26, 2008 How minty are you?
Thought I would share with you this awesome financial website. Someone I know posted on their blog about this really cool website. It is an online site that allows you to manage your money, it basically pulls your information from your accounts and gives you awesome charts of where your money is being spent and shows your your largest merchant, also gives you tips on helping you save money. I have found it pretty stinkin Awesome and best of all (drumroll please) It's free! So I thought I would share... Go to:

Sunday, November 23, 2008
I spent Saturday during the day doing my laundry and playing with Hezekiah. Did my grocery shopping at 8am while no one was there and found some good deals on food, like green beans for 0.99/lb and yams for 2/$1.00.... not bad since Thanksgiving is around the corner. Then Andrew's parents came over to watch the baby while a big group of us including Josh's parents went to see Quantum of the Solace in celebration of what would have been Josh's birthday. Had a pretty late night for me since I went to bed at like 11:30pm and then woke up early with Hezekiah. Today, I took a nice hour nap to make up for some lost sleep.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Recently just found out my brother is being sent to Afghanistan, starting training in Kuwait and then onto Afghanistan after that. He is leaving on Monday, may God be with you big bro!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We had an appetizer for dinner today. We had pigs in a blanket, it's easy
had some hot dogs and some crescent rolls- presto chango pigs in a blanket.
I can say with total confidence I was a lazy cook today. At least Hezekiah
ate a healthy dinner lol.
had some hot dogs and some crescent rolls- presto chango pigs in a blanket.
I can say with total confidence I was a lazy cook today. At least Hezekiah
ate a healthy dinner lol.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Here are some goofy videos of Hezekiah:
Hezekiah motorboat:
Hezekiah screamo:
Hezekiah Uh-Oh
Hezekiah Snort:
Hezekiah stealing Daddy's food:
Hezekiah Dancing:
Hezekiah motorboat:
Hezekiah screamo:
Hezekiah Uh-Oh
Hezekiah Snort:
Hezekiah stealing Daddy's food:
Hezekiah Dancing:
Is such a cool kid! I had some cheese in my hand last night and asked him
if he wanted some cheese and he actually responded with a very clear "Yes"
so I responded back everytime with Yes Please. He also has learned what
kisses are and gives them to mommy and daddy all the time... Can't get him
to keep his lips closed so it is a pretty slobbery kiss but nonetheless
cute. He is also very clearly saying Daddy and Mommy and Dog or Doggy. Onto
more words like potty, milk, cat, book, and I Love you... Gotta love
learning toddlers :) I will post the video of him saying Daddy today!
if he wanted some cheese and he actually responded with a very clear "Yes"
so I responded back everytime with Yes Please. He also has learned what
kisses are and gives them to mommy and daddy all the time... Can't get him
to keep his lips closed so it is a pretty slobbery kiss but nonetheless
cute. He is also very clearly saying Daddy and Mommy and Dog or Doggy. Onto
more words like potty, milk, cat, book, and I Love you... Gotta love
learning toddlers :) I will post the video of him saying Daddy today!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Carmelized Garlic Chicken
My newest favorite and extremely tasty recipe, I tried this out on a few friends tonight. The ingredients might not catch you right away but this has amazing taste! Added some fresh cooked green beans and carrots steamed with ham, salt, pepper, and garlic and crescent rolls. Made a very tasty dinner. This recipe is easy and tasty:

2 | teaspoons olive oil |
4 | garlic cloves, minced |
4 | teaspoons brown sugar |
4 | boneless skinless chicken breast halves |
1. | Heat oven to 500°F. Line shallow roasting pan with foil; spray foil with nonstick cooking spray. |
2. | Heat oil in small nonstick skillet over medium-low heat until hot. Add garlic; cook 1 to 2 minutes or until garlic begins to soften, stirring frequently. Remove from heat; stir in brown sugar until well mixed. |
3. | Place chicken breast halves in sprayed foil-lined pan. Spread garlic mixture evenly over chicken. |
4. | Bake at 500°F. for 10 to 15 minutes or until chicken is fork-tender and juices run clear. |
1/4 of Recipe: Calories 170 (Calories from Fat 45); Total Fat 5g (Saturated Fat 1g); Cholesterol 75mg; Sodium 65mg; Total Carbohydrate 5g (Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 5g); Protein 27g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 0%; Vitamin C 0%; Calcium 2%; Iron 6% Exchanges: 1/2 Fruit; 4 Very Lean Meat
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Training pants or cloth diapers
Okay, I have been doing a lot of reading as great as these disposable diapers are they almost work too good for any toddler to get the feeling of being wet. Since my mom says we were all potty trained around 14 months I figured it would be good to at least introduce the potty to Hezekiah... which we did (see below). I have been doing a lot of reading and everyone keeps saying that children that young don't get potty training but I beg to differ. I am in the process of doing research for either "training pants":
An economical and environmentally friendly alternative to disposables. Kushies lightweight taffeta training pants help promote toilet training as the 100% cotton flannel inner layer allows the child to feel the sensation of wetness while reducing the risk of rashing. The interior soaker layer provides extra absorbency against accidents.
Or actual cloth diapers:

So does anyone have any suggestions that have worked for 1 year olds??

Or actual cloth diapers:
So does anyone have any suggestions that have worked for 1 year olds??
Veteran's Day!

My Dad was a Marine in the Vietnam war, but if it weren't for God's hand of protection he and I would not be here today. My Dad had a mortar explode only an arms length away from him and only had some shrapnel that cut into his arm. Even that injury was enough to get him into the hospital. My grandma at home received a telegram which she only assumed the worst- that he has been killed but my Dad was still alive. He was injured but alive... and my Grandma always mentioned that she nearly passed out as she saw the soldier walking up to her house. My Dad did not leave Vietnam with just the physical scar but the emotional scars that he still carries with him today.
For him and every soldier out there that has to deal with the trauma that you never forget and you deal with every day, I am truly sorry and I want to extend the deepest gratitude for the service you have brought this country and the many freedoms so many people take for granted. I know our freedoms aren't free, and I know those who are risking their life have the most noble cause of all... and that is protecting our nation. Today, I give you a salute and say Thank you!

Thursday, November 06, 2008
So I have to say I am extremely excited tomorrow is Friday, it has been a very long week and I am just glad for the weekends. Saturday, we have plans to get some family pictures done for the holidays. Friends of ours Eric and Becca Fitzpatrick are also fellow photographers like me and are going to be shooting our pictures at a local park so it should be really nice. Doing breakfast in the morning and off to shoot some pictures. Should be so much fun!
Sunday, Church as always... and then later we have a wedding that Andrew is going to be a groomsmen in. Old friend of ours Chris Turner is getting married to Nicole Hand, we are very excited and they are such a perfect match for each other. Should be a busy weekend but nonetheless very exciting.
Sunday, Church as always... and then later we have a wedding that Andrew is going to be a groomsmen in. Old friend of ours Chris Turner is getting married to Nicole Hand, we are very excited and they are such a perfect match for each other. Should be a busy weekend but nonetheless very exciting.
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Speaks to today's society like crazy and I love Isla Fisher she's hilarious:
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
What else could you say?
Last night I watched the man I voted for, John McCain, give the most eloquent speech I have heard in my generation. One of many quotes that moved me and also made me respect him EVEN more for his dedication and true love for this country:
"I would not be an American worthy of the name, should I regret a fate that has allowed me the extraordinary privilege of serving this country for a half a century. Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much. And tonight, I remain her servant. That is blessing enough for anyone and I thank the people of Arizona for it."
He conceded this election with grace, dignity, and respect that I deeply admire. One that did not speak of poor sportsmanship but one that spoke of true disappointment that he could not serve this country as our Presiden
t as it would have been the highest honor he could have ever received. Last night, I rooted for my choice for President and today I tip my hat to our war hero John McCain. You'll never know how much gratitude I have for you for your love and dedication to this county. Thank you John and every other man and woman who has served and is serving this country... for your courage and never failing passion to protect us all.
Que Sera Sera!

He conceded this election with grace, dignity, and respect that I deeply admire. One that did not speak of poor sportsmanship but one that spoke of true disappointment that he could not serve this country as our Presiden

Que Sera Sera!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Coming home from Menifee today and saw a huge strike of lightning... it's beginning to look a lot like winter every where you turn! Anyway, had a pretty crazy couple of days, yesterday the fam went out to a Harvest festival and by the time we got there we were hungry so decided to hit up Red Robin. Hezekiah was thoroughly entertained with a balloon the whole dinner... he never even made it into his Bumble bee costume but oh well I guess I will get some more pictures of him later in it. Also, we celebrated my mom's birthday- yes her birthday is actually on Halloween.
Today, woke up a little later took a shower and got ready for an actual party for my mom's birthday. Went out got a birthday card and gave her a gift card for Marie Callendar's because really everyone should have a night out to eat dinner somewhere. Saw a lot of my family which I haven't seen in some time and had a nice visit while Hezekiah roamed aimlessly around my mom's landscaped backyard and in the house. He's so funny, I don't think he really gets what he's doing but he just walked in the house and then outside on the patio. Walk in the house and then outside again, I guess he was just doing it because he knew he could. Kids are so funny! Anyway, gonna watch some TV and relax a little while Hezzy catches his Zzzzz's.
Today, woke up a little later took a shower and got ready for an actual party for my mom's birthday. Went out got a birthday card and gave her a gift card for Marie Callendar's because really everyone should have a night out to eat dinner somewhere. Saw a lot of my family which I haven't seen in some time and had a nice visit while Hezekiah roamed aimlessly around my mom's landscaped backyard and in the house. He's so funny, I don't think he really gets what he's doing but he just walked in the house and then outside on the patio. Walk in the house and then outside again, I guess he was just doing it because he knew he could. Kids are so funny! Anyway, gonna watch some TV and relax a little while Hezzy catches his Zzzzz's.
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