For anyone reading that has children, Hezzy has had a runny nose for like a week now. I use Saline drops in his nose and keep the humidifier on at night. Does anyone have any suggestions that have actually worked for clearing up a 1 year old's runny nose?
Also, Hezekiah is actually going to be able to dress up this Halloween, last night we have our Pumpkin party with the youth group so I dressed Hezzy up and here are some pictures of him from last night in his costume. Cute right?

So I can't help you at all with the runny nose thing. I still have trouble clearing up my own runny nose most of the time. And my comment on the costume, I'm sorry to say this, but I was dressed up in nearly that EXACT costume as a kid (more than one year in a row I might add) and it was torture! I HATED it! Sunday actually I was asked what my favorite Halloween costume was and all I could think of was that stupid bee thing and how it pretty much scarred me. Sorry. Hope he liked it more than I did.
I think he is just teething. Those molars are tough and take a long time sometimes.
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