Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What is up with everyone and the Acai Berry?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Protect against Alzheimer's and Age-related Cognitive Decline
Protect against Alzheimer's and Age-related Cognitive Decline
Research published in the August 2004 issue of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry indicates regular consumption of niacin-rich foods like chicken provides protection against Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline.
Researchers from the Chicago Health and Aging Project interviewed 3,718 Chicago residents aged 65 or older about their diet, then tested their cognitive abilities over the following six years. Those getting the most niacin from foods (22 mg per day) were 70% less likely to have developed Alzheimer's disease than those consuming the least (about 13 mg daily), and their rate of age-related cognitive decline was significantly less. (August 23, 2004)
Taken from:
Relaxing day
Later this afternoon we drove down to Men's Warehouse so Andrew could get fitted for a tuxedo for a wedding he is in a few weeks. Stopped by Bed, Bath, and Beyond to pick up some new pillows (which are so awesome) and also picked up a Yankee Candle, Red Apple Wreath... smells so awesome! Other than that doing some laundry, cleaned the house, changed the sheets on the bed, changed the towels in the bathroom, and getting ready to probably start a movie or 2. Andrew is going to the first ever hockey game in Ontario today with Eric so I will have the night to myself with the baby so I think I might pick out a romantic comedy.
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This Beautiful Republic
I've heard it said a million times
That I should hold on tight to Jesus
But I took this road so far from home
And distance came between us
When I walked away, I knew one day
I'd need Your grace
So now You'll find me on my knees
‘Cause I know that I'm really not so strong
And now, I'm done fighting for control
Oh, You can have this life
That I've been holding for so long
I'm learning to fall
Let my world crumble
You ran so fast to rescue me
While I was barely breathing
You picked me up, You touched my face
And I began to see more clearly
Though I'm such a disgrace, You still forgave
Your love remains
Take me as an offering
I surrender everything
No more living without You
Also, Hezekiah is actually going to be able to dress up this Halloween, last night we have our Pumpkin party with the youth group so I dressed Hezzy up and here are some pictures of him from last night in his costume. Cute right?
In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Monday, October 20, 2008
In the words of Ronald Reagan
Child care
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Keeping the big picture the big picture
things in life. I, myself am guilty of letting the little things like
cleaning the dishes and doing the laundry get me stressed out. When really,
looking at it- it's not that big of a deal if the dishes sit there for one
more day. My husband sometimes tells me I have Obessive Compulsive
Disorder, as I often disagree that I just like things clean and put away so
I have some sense of order in my life. With the economic climate, and many
fearing the future it's hard not to let go of these fears. Instead many
cling to these fears, as if clinging to them will make the situation any
better. We are running this race, and the more we cling to other than God
the harder it is to run since we have this extra weight we now run with. It
can make us exhausted, faint, and we lose stamina. God tells us in Jeremiah
29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you..." Let us not fear for the
future, fear for our economy, because we know where we are going in the end
anyway- right?
I am reminded of Hebrews
"(12:1) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so
easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for
us. (12:2) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our
faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its
shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
I love the idea of God being the author and perfector of my faith. I am so
imperfect, and I am such a perfectionist. Whether it be at work, or at
home, or with my baby... I always want to do everything perfect. When it
comes to my faith I constantly feel like I can never do anything just
right- thank goodness God is the author of my faith. As I read the verses
again, I imagine us as Christians running this race naked... Not in an
impure thought but metophorically naked. Holding onto nothing, wearing
nothing to weigh us down, not having anything that burdens us. We can run
free, with the wind blowing in our hair (ha ha) and all that good stuff.
So let us not lose hope in Christ as no matter what the outcome of the
economic crisis or presidential voting, Christ is on control and he is
placing foot stones that make a path for our future. We can't always see
the path or where it will lead us, but it His plan and we will trust in
that alone right now.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I had a pretty length conversation with Hezzy's Dr Sharpe in reference to these immunizations and their link to autism. He affirmed with me that the only person who believes that is Jenny McCarthy... that there have been so many studies that have proven there is no link between the 2. That Jenny's son had some pre-existing condition that was not ever caught because he seemed like a normal child and the immunizations may have triggered something but they are not to blame. As he told me, immunizations only work is everyone uses them you put everyone at risk if you don't administer them to all children. He referenced a recent incident in San Diego of Measles and told me that he has seen children die of Measles so he believes very strongly in the immunizations. I have to say for the most part, I am really concerned about the cure for autism, not for my own child really but because I think we need to find out why so many children have it. Is it genetics, environment, food... we really to solve this epidemic.
The Dr. noticed some kind of protrusion on Hezzy's left rib, it looked as though he may have gotten bruised. He just said to watch it and if it doesn't go down we can do an x-ray. He had a horrible rash on his little tushy so I have been thoroughly putting hydro cortisone on his little tushy. Hopefully this starts to go away, it looks so painful for him and he definitely doesn't like me touching it. Right now he is taking a nice long nap, no doubt because of the exhaustion from his shots. He always takes SUPER long naps after he gets shots... it's nice to have some peace and quiet but I can't wait for him to wake up.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I heard some more sad news
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Been a long time
Work has been crazy, I have been doing well at my job. The President of the my company has complimented me several times and said that she he has been very impressed with my work. My VP is always telling me how much she appreciates me and what a great job I always do. So, I know that I am doing the right thing and being a good employee. My manager, however, seems to think that not doing her job is fine and when issues come up I try not to be a taddle tail, but issues need to be brought up to my VP. I don't want to have to bring these things up but when they start to effect my job I have to say something. It's been a difficult and frustrating road to see someone making 2 times as much as you and not doing even half of a job. Anyway, I am just doing the best job I can to be a good employee.
Hezekiah is growing like a weed, he is so funny and very mischievous... He's climbing boxes to get to our computer desks. Laughing out of nowhere, and throwing beach balls all over the house. It has been so fun to watch him grow up, I watched this episode on 'the doctors' that had an 18 month old being potty trained. Potty trained! Wow, I guess I should buy a potty for Hezekiah so he could get used to it... We'll see! I went to pick up Hezekiah and Sarah who watched him was watching her new nephew who was 3 weeks old. I just looked at this little baby and went wow, it seems so long ago since I have seen a baby this small again. Ohhh, how I miss those days of a little baby. 1 more year to go before I even THINK about having another baby, but I do miss those days where they sleep anywhere and you know why they're crying... Ahhh someday again, we will have another little one crying around this house again. But 1 more year!
Other than that just trying to read my devotionals, we plan on taking Hezekiah to a pumpkin patch to take some pictures of him and hopefully some family photos. Probably the next week or so we'll do that. And we just keep on truckin!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
It saddened me today to learn that a friend of Andrew and I got served divorce papers today. Some strange things had been happening in the marriage, but how do you find yourself so happy one day and turn around and be ready to walk away? Crazy, Crazy... that's about all I can say right now.
What would this be like?
lifting his hand of protection? What kind of chaos would we see in our
world? Economic disaster, natural disaster, political disaster, moral
disaster.... Aren't we headed that way already? Just something to think