If I were ever to go back to school and start a new career I definitely would have gone and become a nutritionist or dietitian because I am so interested in this area as well. I feel like I am constantly learning about foods and what good properties fruits and veggies have and trying to give them to the family. God tells us over and over not to be gluttonous and I am really trying keep to this. Not because I am vain and I think I NEED to look good, but it's also about feeling good as well. Eating healthier makes me feel good and working out gives me energy. I want to try and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and a lot of woman keep telling me"Good Luck" so here I am eating organic, small portions, and the right kinds of foods. I have always said that I wanted to lose weight in between babies so I don't put weight on top of weight so, this is what I am working for.... (don't get any ideas, we are waiting a few more years before the next kid). Here is my weight loss counter and I have put it at the bottom of my blog page in case anyone wants to see my progress!
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