And that's because Saturday morning we all got woken up at 4:30am to Andrew's work calling about an urgent issue at work he needed to handle. This will all be a part of the new job duties, but even the baby woke up once he heard Andrew talking and working away at his computer. So needless to say the baby was a little more fussy than normal all day.
Then to top off my exhaustion after a long weekend (with 2 birthday parties in 1 day), last night Hezekiah decided he was going to wake up at 1:30am for no apparent reason other than to cry and cry and cry. So, I got up, made him a bottle (falling asleep while holding the bottle) and then send him back on his way to his crib. Meanwhile, I am TRYING desperately to fall back to sleep only to wake up 5 hours later for work. I felt like such a zombie today. It's been a long time since I have been this exhausted.
Next weekend will only be worse, hopefully we can spend a quiet 4th of July at my parents house and then Saturday go to my niece's birthday party, and Sunday a baby shower. Phew! I am tired just talking about all the parties, etc. going on.
Also, I know that Hezekiah's 1st birthday is a couple of months away still but I thought I would mention that I have set up a list on to help people decide what to buy for him. Here is the link:
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tragedy Strikes- Always wear a helmet
As many of your remember Andrew's best friend Josh Gladura passed away due to injuries from skateboarding without a helmet...Today we say good-bye to a kid that used to come to our youth group, he hadn't been coming for the last couple of years but I wanted to take some time to remember this young life now gone. Nathan Ketsdever was only 20 years old and he passed away today of the same thing Josh Gladura died of. He passed away from damage caused from not wearing a helmet while skateboarding.
I feel like Josh's passing was 1 in a million in the way that he died and how it all came out, but to have yet another life taken due to not wearing a helmet. I have created a website to bring to light the reality and dangers of not wearing a helmet. The site is under construction right now, but the site is called: so when you get the chance check it out in a few weeks and it should be up. I know at some ages wearing a helmet seems like such a stupid and dorky thing to wear at times. I have to admit in my teenage years I too thought helmets were for dork's and I never wore one while bike riding or anything. I feel like I am baffled and left wondering how it is possible to have 2 people pass away from something that was supposed to be so fun. I hope you will pray for Nathan's family in this time of tragedy, that God will surely inhabit their lives and that they would turn to Him for their needs and questions. Don't let you children go another day without wearing a helmet and if you see any others or know of others, speak out and let them know about Josh and Nathan.

I feel like Josh's passing was 1 in a million in the way that he died and how it all came out, but to have yet another life taken due to not wearing a helmet. I have created a website to bring to light the reality and dangers of not wearing a helmet. The site is under construction right now, but the site is called: so when you get the chance check it out in a few weeks and it should be up. I know at some ages wearing a helmet seems like such a stupid and dorky thing to wear at times. I have to admit in my teenage years I too thought helmets were for dork's and I never wore one while bike riding or anything. I feel like I am baffled and left wondering how it is possible to have 2 people pass away from something that was supposed to be so fun. I hope you will pray for Nathan's family in this time of tragedy, that God will surely inhabit their lives and that they would turn to Him for their needs and questions. Don't let you children go another day without wearing a helmet and if you see any others or know of others, speak out and let them know about Josh and Nathan.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Weight Loss counter
If I were ever to go back to school and start a new career I definitely would have gone and become a nutritionist or dietitian because I am so interested in this area as well. I feel like I am constantly learning about foods and what good properties fruits and veggies have and trying to give them to the family. God tells us over and over not to be gluttonous and I am really trying keep to this. Not because I am vain and I think I NEED to look good, but it's also about feeling good as well. Eating healthier makes me feel good and working out gives me energy. I want to try and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and a lot of woman keep telling me"Good Luck" so here I am eating organic, small portions, and the right kinds of foods. I have always said that I wanted to lose weight in between babies so I don't put weight on top of weight so, this is what I am working for.... (don't get any ideas, we are waiting a few more years before the next kid). Here is my weight loss counter and I have put it at the bottom of my blog page in case anyone wants to see my progress!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Another week, Another new schedule, and a prayer request!
Tomorrow we start our new schedules for work and the baby. I will be starting my day at 5:30am instead of 6am because now I will be dropping off the baby at the sitter's at 7:30am and picking him up at the same time as always 2:30pm. Andrew will be starting work at 7am and getting off at now 3:30pm. This will definitely be hard at first- I will have to be dedicated to getting to bed on time for sure now. 5:30am comes tooooooo early for me!
Effective July 15th, Andrew will be promoted to his new, higher paying position! It means a lot more responsibility for sure, but will be really nice for us because it now looks like we might be able to afford a house a lot sooner than we had been planning. We are going to pay off some debts and then SAVE like crazy :) For me, the next couple of months I am looking at our annual raises which might only be like $0.30 more an hour for me but it is better than no raise at all and I will have NO complaints. My job really is such a jack of all trades at this point, I was covering for my co-worker Hortencia while she has been out the last week or so (see below) on Leave of Absences, and so I am jumping from one thing to the next at work and from one day to the next I don't know always what I am going to be doing for my job. My job description definitely doesn't seem to fit what I am doing anymore :)
My prayer request if for my co-worker Hortencia and her family, her husband was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) several years ago and up until the last couple of months has been able to stay at home with the help of his family and a wheelchair. With his disease it slowly disintegrates the use of your voluntary muscles, so he has been slowly not been able to use certain muscles. What's hard about this disease is that your mind stays sharp, but your body is what gives out and although he is all there and knows what's going on there is nothing he can do. He has had a trach put in so allow him to breathe and after a few weeks in an assisted living home was sent to the hospital for care. It has been an extremely frustrating road because of our state and federal systems set up for Medicare/Medi-Cal have denied her and her family financial help which has been such a shame because she is in need. Not only dealing with her husband's disease but having to fight the system for his benefits and his rights because he can't do it anymore. The Dr's treat her and him as though they shouldn't fight for him because he's going to die anyway and I think that is horrible. I really want to lift her and her family up in prayer, that if it is in God's will for her husband, Albert, to be healed. For her and her family to be given strength and courage during these challenging times, to not lose faith in Christ, and for God just to wrap His arms around this family and let them know that He loves them with an everlasting Love that goes beyond this life we have now. If you can, just keep them in your daily prayers as I know others will be praying for them as well.
Effective July 15th, Andrew will be promoted to his new, higher paying position! It means a lot more responsibility for sure, but will be really nice for us because it now looks like we might be able to afford a house a lot sooner than we had been planning. We are going to pay off some debts and then SAVE like crazy :) For me, the next couple of months I am looking at our annual raises which might only be like $0.30 more an hour for me but it is better than no raise at all and I will have NO complaints. My job really is such a jack of all trades at this point, I was covering for my co-worker Hortencia while she has been out the last week or so (see below) on Leave of Absences, and so I am jumping from one thing to the next at work and from one day to the next I don't know always what I am going to be doing for my job. My job description definitely doesn't seem to fit what I am doing anymore :)
My prayer request if for my co-worker Hortencia and her family, her husband was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) several years ago and up until the last couple of months has been able to stay at home with the help of his family and a wheelchair. With his disease it slowly disintegrates the use of your voluntary muscles, so he has been slowly not been able to use certain muscles. What's hard about this disease is that your mind stays sharp, but your body is what gives out and although he is all there and knows what's going on there is nothing he can do. He has had a trach put in so allow him to breathe and after a few weeks in an assisted living home was sent to the hospital for care. It has been an extremely frustrating road because of our state and federal systems set up for Medicare/Medi-Cal have denied her and her family financial help which has been such a shame because she is in need. Not only dealing with her husband's disease but having to fight the system for his benefits and his rights because he can't do it anymore. The Dr's treat her and him as though they shouldn't fight for him because he's going to die anyway and I think that is horrible. I really want to lift her and her family up in prayer, that if it is in God's will for her husband, Albert, to be healed. For her and her family to be given strength and courage during these challenging times, to not lose faith in Christ, and for God just to wrap His arms around this family and let them know that He loves them with an everlasting Love that goes beyond this life we have now. If you can, just keep them in your daily prayers as I know others will be praying for them as well.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
God is not JUST good, but HE is GREAT! Andrew will be changing his schedule from 9am-6pm and staying home with the baby during part of the day to now 7am-4pm because we have been stretched too thin for too long between work, baby, and church. Getting off earlier will help us have more time during the day. With Andrew not being home with the baby it now means that Hezekiah will be at the daycare now for 7 hours a day which is OK I guess, it's not what either of us want but he would be there a lot longer if I worked til 5pm so I hope everything works out. Ultimately, it is better for our family financially for Andrew to be switching his schedule because as I had mentioned in earlier posts he was up for a VERY big promotion. It looks like that will be happening next month and with that promotion now Andrew will be making $10 more an hour, which is so awesome. We have been struggling a little to make ends meet since I went back to work and GOD yet again comes through for us and decides he wants to bless us EVEN more. Thank you Lord for being so gracious to us.
Our mechanic working on Andrew's car STILL has not finished the car, so until he finishes it he is paying completely for a rental car for Andrew because we cannot do without a 2nd car anymore. With our crazy schedules it was making it extremely stressful for both of us. So, maybe next month the car will be finished :(
Our mechanic working on Andrew's car STILL has not finished the car, so until he finishes it he is paying completely for a rental car for Andrew because we cannot do without a 2nd car anymore. With our crazy schedules it was making it extremely stressful for both of us. So, maybe next month the car will be finished :(
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
First, I want to wish my husband Happy 1st Father's Day. I am thankful for this man, who is a GREAT Father to Hezekiah. He is always patient with him, even now that he is a little more fussy because we say No and is getting into EVERYTHING including Andrew's electronics. Here's to your 1st Father's Day Honey:

Now, to my own Dad who has always been a big part of my life. He has a strong heart, but a gentle spirit. In times when he should be extremely angry, he showed no emotion and said nothing when something mean COULD have been said. For listening to all my problems and being there for me when I was in need of some comfort. For being a true example of what devotion means by spending time with God EVERY morning without fail. Wishing you a Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you :
Now, to my own Dad who has always been a big part of my life. He has a strong heart, but a gentle spirit. In times when he should be extremely angry, he showed no emotion and said nothing when something mean COULD have been said. For listening to all my problems and being there for me when I was in need of some comfort. For being a true example of what devotion means by spending time with God EVERY morning without fail. Wishing you a Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you :
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
What's new?
Unfortunately, not too much right now! We are still waiting to find out when Andrew will get his nice, big promotion, could be as early as July or it could be quite a bit longer. We are waiting for his Director to sell his house, and in this market it might take a while, so we are still waiting! Work for me, right now, is going well. I am working pretty heavily in Physician Recruitment now, and it is fabulous... a lot of work, but completely fulfilling as far as my career goes. I really look forward to coming to work on days when I know I get to work with my VP especially because she teaches me so much, and I hope someday to be like her in her demeanor and her position in the company. I have considered many options for going to school, I am looking as the certification program for Human Resources Management through UCR extension center, but they are a little out of our price range at this point at $495/ class and having to take a minimum of 5 classes on Saturday's only. So, it's there and eventually I will be able to take those classes but it will take me quite a bit unless my work decides to do tuition reimbursement.
Hezekiah is doing very well, wanting to walk ALL the time and pulling himself up on everything. He is bonking his head on a lot of stuff in the process of trying to learn balance. Looks like kind of a long road as far as that goes. He has a total of 8 teeth now and is chewing on all sorts of fun foods like Avocados, mashed potatoes, cherrios... he hasn't quite mastered bringing the food to his mouth yet he just puts it in his hands and then doesn't know what to do with it after that. Hezekiah is still the best baby in the world, even through teething I didn't notice any changes in him at all. It's hard to believe that he will be turning 1 year old in just 3 short months. Man! Time flies! I will have to figure out a location for September for his birthday party since I pretty much only have 1 family member in the city we live in now.
We are waiting on the LORD for some answers and help... we still haven't gotten his car back from the shop and what seemed like what was supposed to be a temporary arrangement for work, daycare, etc. seems to be more of a permanent thing because I don't feel like I will ever get this car back. Right now, not having the second car has been like 6 months of non-stop stress and every minute of the day being timed to picking up and dropping off... it is extremely frustrating right now. Tomorrow, the shop is paying completely for a rental car for us until Andrew's car gets done. Lesson learned for Andrew for sure, no more getting this car faster! Now, we are back to square 1 as far as saving for a house again because of the car situation and the costs... so what could have been only 1 more year might be turning into- Who knows how long!? Just doing the best we can to put any little extra pennies into an account and hope and pray that God will someday have a house in our future. It has definitely been a struggle going back to work and making only a 2/3 of what I was making before and I think we are still having to teeter todder right now until we FINALLY adjust to the income change. All I have to say is, Thank goodness for Annual Evaluations and Merit Increases! Anyway, that is about it for now- make sure to keep checking out Hezekiah's website for updated pictures!
Hezekiah is doing very well, wanting to walk ALL the time and pulling himself up on everything. He is bonking his head on a lot of stuff in the process of trying to learn balance. Looks like kind of a long road as far as that goes. He has a total of 8 teeth now and is chewing on all sorts of fun foods like Avocados, mashed potatoes, cherrios... he hasn't quite mastered bringing the food to his mouth yet he just puts it in his hands and then doesn't know what to do with it after that. Hezekiah is still the best baby in the world, even through teething I didn't notice any changes in him at all. It's hard to believe that he will be turning 1 year old in just 3 short months. Man! Time flies! I will have to figure out a location for September for his birthday party since I pretty much only have 1 family member in the city we live in now.
We are waiting on the LORD for some answers and help... we still haven't gotten his car back from the shop and what seemed like what was supposed to be a temporary arrangement for work, daycare, etc. seems to be more of a permanent thing because I don't feel like I will ever get this car back. Right now, not having the second car has been like 6 months of non-stop stress and every minute of the day being timed to picking up and dropping off... it is extremely frustrating right now. Tomorrow, the shop is paying completely for a rental car for us until Andrew's car gets done. Lesson learned for Andrew for sure, no more getting this car faster! Now, we are back to square 1 as far as saving for a house again because of the car situation and the costs... so what could have been only 1 more year might be turning into- Who knows how long!? Just doing the best we can to put any little extra pennies into an account and hope and pray that God will someday have a house in our future. It has definitely been a struggle going back to work and making only a 2/3 of what I was making before and I think we are still having to teeter todder right now until we FINALLY adjust to the income change. All I have to say is, Thank goodness for Annual Evaluations and Merit Increases! Anyway, that is about it for now- make sure to keep checking out Hezekiah's website for updated pictures!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
New "do" for summer
Well since it only seems fitting to keep my hair as low maintenance as possible with the baby and with it inevitably going to get VERY hot. I figured I would cut my hair a little shorter now... okay maybe A LOT shorter lol. And I am so very proud of myself I was able to achieve this new "do" with my own pair of scissors and razor... whoot whoot!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
The Drobo
This is the Drobo! The World's first storage robot, it is quite expensive but well worth the money with what happened to us! We almost lost ALL of our photos and videos because 1 of our 1TB external hard drive failed due to partition tables being all messed up. We had to buy a program called Disk Warrior to be able to pull off all data so luckily I think we have most of our photos and video now but I do not want to run into this AGAIN! So this will be one of the items we purchase next to save all our data. Check it out at:
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