Saturday, March 08, 2008
6 months old
Last week Hezekiah turned 6 months old and I still can't believe that he is half a year old already! Boy does time fly with a baby! He is so active, he loves his jumping toy where he builds his leg muscles and is babbling like crazy, he makes bubbles with his mouth and loves is when I try and imitate his sounds. He is trying to crawl so bad but cant do it yet, I am helping him along my supporting his torso a little while he moves his arms and legs- we'll see if that helps. He brings so much joy to our lives, everyday and every week brings something new that he has learned and I just love watching him grow up. I took his 6 month pictures courtesy of mi casa and camera (that is now fixed, yipee!) Also, we have started baby food with him and as much as I would like to think that I would make my baby food from home I just don't have the time and with as expensive as fruit and veggies are I just don't see it being anymore cost effective than $0.82 for a weeks worth of baby food at Hezekiah's age. Anyway we started with peas one week and his face was hilarious and this week it is squash and I think he really looks forward to eating his "big boy" food after he finishes his bottle. Here are some funny pictures of him eating his peas and squash and his 6 month old/Easter pictures!

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Oh my goodness!!!!!!
Just look at that smile!
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