Monday, March 31, 2008
A new first!
Hezekiah has his first tooth coming in!!!! We actually just noticed today when he was babbling and we noticed a small little hold on this bottom gums. We ran our fingers on his gums and sure enough he has a tooth coming through!!! He is definitely drooling more and loves his teething toys now but he doesn't seem to be in any pain and isn't even fussy really but from what I hear it's the molar's that hurt the most. So far so good, as soon as it comes through I will make sure to snap a picture! Hezekiah is growing up :)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Funny face and Faux-hawk
Monday, March 24, 2008
Heaven Sent!!!
This little baby is so Heaven Sent! He is changing by the day and I love this age, he laughs at a lot of different things like: Hiccups, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and me pretending to tickle him. His smiles just keep me smiling and I love to hear him use his voice! What a cutie :)
**Side Note: We are now going on Andrew's car being in the shop for now 5 months!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Holy week
This week signifies Holy week in the church, we use this week to remind us of the walk that Jesus took to Calvary, the sacrifice that continually wipes our slate clean. Let's use this week to be a servant to Christ. Just as Christ Jesus washed His disciples feet, so should we serve others. Let's take some time this week and decide what we can do for our surrounding community that might change the way people look at Christianity?
What kind of lives ought we live? The kind the focuses on money, maybe possessions, maybe even being fake? No, Christ calls us to live Holy and pleasing lives, ones that glorify His name and don't blemish His vision for His people. How do we live a Holy life when we are surrounded by people who cut us off in line at Target or almost side swipe us on the freeway, or just are plain mean? I think about this question everyday because in my own job I have sometimes situations that might come up that would normally upset some other people but I think I have learned to deal with them in a way that is calm and respectful. I think this sometimes sets a tone for how other people handle this situation as well. We are called to be the "bigger" person and turn the other cheek when others have wronged us.
This is not how society deals with someone who has hurt them. They go on myspace and post bulletins and bogs about how much they dislike someone. Or they completely ignore the issue hoping that someday it will go away. Just like with people who talk about wanting to lose weight and think that some pill or some surgery has fixed the problem. When really all they have done is masked the real issue. If you don't change you ways you will go back to the way things were before.
Unfortunately, I am generation Y (I think) and really we should be called generation "I think I am entitled to everything." For some reason my generation seems to think they are entitled to make a certain amount of money (because they've have earned it, only being in the working field like 3 years), they think they are entitled to respect even when they don't give it to anyone themselves, they think they are entitled to being first in line (only God knows why), they think they are entitled to having the "dream house" when they only make $20,000/year.... and I could just go on for hours because in my job I see it everyday with applicants who come in.
For instance, I had this young applicant get a hold of me to find out about his application and why he hadn't been called for an interview. I asked for his information and what position, and when I told him the position had been filled and we thank him for his interest in this position. I hang up the phone and about 2 minutes later my direct line rings again and it's the same applicant and he says to me in a nasty attitude "I just want to know what the other person had that I didn't have" If you could only see my face at this point, and I am think well with that kind of attitude no one will ever hire you, and you wonder why you're looking for a job. I simply responded, "It was filled by an internal candidate who has already been working that position for several months, Thank you and have a nice day!" What is up with the stinkin' attitude! If he thinks that I haven't flagged his application as "NO, don't ever hire!" by now, boy is he in for a rude awakening.
Anyway, what kind of lives ought we live? With the cross in sight and in view of God's sacrifice, ought we fight for what is right. Shouldn't we try to live blameless lives? I know I will make (and have made) mistakes and I have never once claimed that I am perfect... I just try to keep the cross in my sight so I can always look at it as a reminder when I am at my worst to remember that Christ was Holy and He was tempted in every way just as we were. So He DOES know what we go through and he understands our struggles. Just because we are saved doesn't mean we have to lose our fire, doesn't mean we give up on people who are lost, and it certainly doesn't mean that we can go up the alter call every Sunday as if it is Catholic confessionals. and wipe our slate clean. Living a Righteous Life I think means being consciously aware of the decisions we make and trying (even though we may fail) to do as Christ would do. Anyway, this is a pretty long blog for me... I have to call it a night for now.
What kind of lives ought we live? The kind the focuses on money, maybe possessions, maybe even being fake? No, Christ calls us to live Holy and pleasing lives, ones that glorify His name and don't blemish His vision for His people. How do we live a Holy life when we are surrounded by people who cut us off in line at Target or almost side swipe us on the freeway, or just are plain mean? I think about this question everyday because in my own job I have sometimes situations that might come up that would normally upset some other people but I think I have learned to deal with them in a way that is calm and respectful. I think this sometimes sets a tone for how other people handle this situation as well. We are called to be the "bigger" person and turn the other cheek when others have wronged us.
This is not how society deals with someone who has hurt them. They go on myspace and post bulletins and bogs about how much they dislike someone. Or they completely ignore the issue hoping that someday it will go away. Just like with people who talk about wanting to lose weight and think that some pill or some surgery has fixed the problem. When really all they have done is masked the real issue. If you don't change you ways you will go back to the way things were before.
Unfortunately, I am generation Y (I think) and really we should be called generation "I think I am entitled to everything." For some reason my generation seems to think they are entitled to make a certain amount of money (because they've have earned it, only being in the working field like 3 years), they think they are entitled to respect even when they don't give it to anyone themselves, they think they are entitled to being first in line (only God knows why), they think they are entitled to having the "dream house" when they only make $20,000/year.... and I could just go on for hours because in my job I see it everyday with applicants who come in.
For instance, I had this young applicant get a hold of me to find out about his application and why he hadn't been called for an interview. I asked for his information and what position, and when I told him the position had been filled and we thank him for his interest in this position. I hang up the phone and about 2 minutes later my direct line rings again and it's the same applicant and he says to me in a nasty attitude "I just want to know what the other person had that I didn't have" If you could only see my face at this point, and I am think well with that kind of attitude no one will ever hire you, and you wonder why you're looking for a job. I simply responded, "It was filled by an internal candidate who has already been working that position for several months, Thank you and have a nice day!" What is up with the stinkin' attitude! If he thinks that I haven't flagged his application as "NO, don't ever hire!" by now, boy is he in for a rude awakening.
Anyway, what kind of lives ought we live? With the cross in sight and in view of God's sacrifice, ought we fight for what is right. Shouldn't we try to live blameless lives? I know I will make (and have made) mistakes and I have never once claimed that I am perfect... I just try to keep the cross in my sight so I can always look at it as a reminder when I am at my worst to remember that Christ was Holy and He was tempted in every way just as we were. So He DOES know what we go through and he understands our struggles. Just because we are saved doesn't mean we have to lose our fire, doesn't mean we give up on people who are lost, and it certainly doesn't mean that we can go up the alter call every Sunday as if it is Catholic confessionals. and wipe our slate clean. Living a Righteous Life I think means being consciously aware of the decisions we make and trying (even though we may fail) to do as Christ would do. Anyway, this is a pretty long blog for me... I have to call it a night for now.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Lessons on Love
Do you have someone in your life that is so annoying at times? I feel like at points of my life this person flares up like a pimple or something annoying like that. And just when you think you've gotten rid of it... it always comes back with friends. I don't know if that is an accurate description but I am trying to get my picture across... well anyway. I don't often question why God put this friend or family member in my life because God works in mysterious ways sometimes. Plus, having people in my life like this is a true test of my character. Meaning, it is a true test of my patience as well. God is teaching me a lot over these last few years and I am really trying to take advantage of what He is showing me so I can be a better (bigger) person about all my tough situations. Some of these may not directly relate to love, but indirectly they do.
Life lessons in love #1, When someone hurts you to the core, always forgive no matter how much it hurts but never forget the hurt because if you forget the hurt it's likely to happen again to you.
Life lessons in love #2, Pick your battles... carefully, sometimes the fight is not worth hurting and/or losing someone close to you
Life lessons in love #3, Always be aware of your surroundings, remember that we are always a witness even when we think no one is looking.
Life lessons in love #4, Don't knowingly hurt someone with the intent that someday "they'll get it"
Life lessons in love #5, Life is not a competition, we are all in different places and different paces.
Life lessons in love #6, It is better sometimes just to walk away than to say something hurtful and regret it.
Life lessons in love #7, You only get 1 family in this life.
Life lessons in love #8, Life is short, so my focus will be on my Adonai and his never ending love for me and desire for me to love back no matter how much I don't want to at times.
Life lessons in love #1, When someone hurts you to the core, always forgive no matter how much it hurts but never forget the hurt because if you forget the hurt it's likely to happen again to you.
Life lessons in love #2, Pick your battles... carefully, sometimes the fight is not worth hurting and/or losing someone close to you
Life lessons in love #3, Always be aware of your surroundings, remember that we are always a witness even when we think no one is looking.
Life lessons in love #4, Don't knowingly hurt someone with the intent that someday "they'll get it"
Life lessons in love #5, Life is not a competition, we are all in different places and different paces.
Life lessons in love #6, It is better sometimes just to walk away than to say something hurtful and regret it.
Life lessons in love #7, You only get 1 family in this life.
Life lessons in love #8, Life is short, so my focus will be on my Adonai and his never ending love for me and desire for me to love back no matter how much I don't want to at times.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Take up your cross
"Jesus said 'HE who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me" (Matthew 10:38). Let those words linger in your mind for a time of meditation before the Lord.
He's telling us that for you and me to even think of following Him in a worthy manner, the cross must be central in our life- which means dealing with sin must be central in our life.
How could it be otherwise? How could be be indifferent to sin when we know how radically God had to deal with the sin issue- at an unimagiable cost to Himself and His Son- on the cross?
It's unthinkable to say "Father, thank you for laying the sin of the world on Your son... but please don't talk to me about sin in my life. I just want to have the joy of following You."
Jesus also said "Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple(Luke 14:27). Here's a statement that leaves no room or manuever.
There's nothing halfway about it; eother we take up our cross, or it's absolutely impossible to be His disciple. Would it not be important, then, that we understand completely and profoundly what it means to bear our cross?
Jesus never hides the terms of discipleship, and the terms He lays down are non-negotiable. They're absolutes- and it's time for us to let the living Christ once again define the terms of discipleship. "
-Experiencing the Cross by Henry T. Blackaby
He's telling us that for you and me to even think of following Him in a worthy manner, the cross must be central in our life- which means dealing with sin must be central in our life.
How could it be otherwise? How could be be indifferent to sin when we know how radically God had to deal with the sin issue- at an unimagiable cost to Himself and His Son- on the cross?
It's unthinkable to say "Father, thank you for laying the sin of the world on Your son... but please don't talk to me about sin in my life. I just want to have the joy of following You."
Jesus also said "Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple(Luke 14:27). Here's a statement that leaves no room or manuever.
There's nothing halfway about it; eother we take up our cross, or it's absolutely impossible to be His disciple. Would it not be important, then, that we understand completely and profoundly what it means to bear our cross?
Jesus never hides the terms of discipleship, and the terms He lays down are non-negotiable. They're absolutes- and it's time for us to let the living Christ once again define the terms of discipleship. "
-Experiencing the Cross by Henry T. Blackaby
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Being wiseman
These last couple of months I think we have been taught a lot of about managing our money. My work is still double deducting health benefits so I can get caught up on what I missed when I was on maternity leave. We've learned a lot about what we need and what we want. What we need and what we want are 2 different things, some people is takes them a lifetime of making bad decisions to learn how to be good stewards of God's money. We have made our share of mistakes and we have learned from them. Money is definitely not evil but it is root of many problems in people's lives. What I seek and what I truly desire is to look to God for every money making decision even down to shopping for groceries. I know that God has blessed us way more than we have deserved and Andrew and I have learned a lot about spending our money wisely when we ate nothing but cheese sandwiches and peanut butter and jelly for like 2 weeks straight because that's what we had to do to make ends meet until my next paycheck. I look back even now and laugh because I think man... that was probably the hardest we've had it since we've been married! All is well and God still provided money for rent, daycare, car payment, and some food. I think it's great how God is soo good to us when we show Him that we are faithful to his promises to provide for us. Thank you LORD for the bad times because it makes the good times seem soooo much better :)
"Because the theme of spiritual warfare has been such a strong fad in the Christian community for a number of years, too many of God's people see everything negative in that light. But if you can't tell the difference between spiritual warfare and God's discipline of His children, you're in serious trouble.
Why is that?
Because so often we forget the clear truth in Hebrews 12:5: 'For whom the LORD loves he chastens, and scourages every son whom he receives' The God of the universe chastens and scourages every one of his children- and He does it because of His love for them. And it isn't some light slap on the hand correction- but rather something that is indeed painful.
Would it then not be important for us to understand what this discipline is like, and why He does it- so we're able to recognize it when it happens to us? Otherwise, in the spiritual climate of today, when we encounter that painful discipline we'll simply think the devil is responsible for it, instead of realizing this is what God Himself is doing.
...So we need to be very consiously aware of the seriousness of attributing the activity of our Father God to Satan. If we keep on blaming everything negative or painful in our lives on the devil, then we may very well miss the good and loving work of discipline and training God seeks to accomplish in our lives"
-Experience the cross by Henry T. Blackby
Why is that?
Because so often we forget the clear truth in Hebrews 12:5: 'For whom the LORD loves he chastens, and scourages every son whom he receives' The God of the universe chastens and scourages every one of his children- and He does it because of His love for them. And it isn't some light slap on the hand correction- but rather something that is indeed painful.
Would it then not be important for us to understand what this discipline is like, and why He does it- so we're able to recognize it when it happens to us? Otherwise, in the spiritual climate of today, when we encounter that painful discipline we'll simply think the devil is responsible for it, instead of realizing this is what God Himself is doing.
...So we need to be very consiously aware of the seriousness of attributing the activity of our Father God to Satan. If we keep on blaming everything negative or painful in our lives on the devil, then we may very well miss the good and loving work of discipline and training God seeks to accomplish in our lives"
-Experience the cross by Henry T. Blackby
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I hate stupid drivers!
Okay so we started our day by going to church and that turned out fine but after we had to take my laptop to the apple store to check it out because I am having some performance issues. On our way out there on the 60fwy we almost got sideswiped by this Nissan Frontier White with 6 people in so I am sure he couldn't even see his mirrors so Andrew laid on the horn. We get to Victoria Gardens have a nice lunch and head to the Apple store for our appt... turns out they see no issues with my laptop (and of course this always happens when you need repairs- the problem never happens when the tech is looking at it!) So it seems a wasted trip! On our way out we are in the turn lane onto Day Creek and we start to move as the left turn lane turns green and out of nowhere this Black Ford Mustang swoops in almost sideswiping us AGAIN and then runs the red light to get through! Why is it that people have no regard for the laws and even further more have no regard for other people. They think they are so DARN important that no one else matters! Even in they almost cause an accident they JUST DON'T have the slightest care! Sometimes it's so frustrating because you think- What you think you're poop don't stink!? Please!? We all use a toilet and guess what treating people like that gets you nowhere. As I always say "You'll get more with honey than with vinegar!"
My final ruling is: People need to take an IQ test, anger management, and a personality test before even qualifying to apply for a Driver's License! Someone, please someone stop the insensitive and stupid driver's from being on the road with me :)
My final ruling is: People need to take an IQ test, anger management, and a personality test before even qualifying to apply for a Driver's License! Someone, please someone stop the insensitive and stupid driver's from being on the road with me :)
Saturday, March 08, 2008
6 months old
Last week Hezekiah turned 6 months old and I still can't believe that he is half a year old already! Boy does time fly with a baby! He is so active, he loves his jumping toy where he builds his leg muscles and is babbling like crazy, he makes bubbles with his mouth and loves is when I try and imitate his sounds. He is trying to crawl so bad but cant do it yet, I am helping him along my supporting his torso a little while he moves his arms and legs- we'll see if that helps. He brings so much joy to our lives, everyday and every week brings something new that he has learned and I just love watching him grow up. I took his 6 month pictures courtesy of mi casa and camera (that is now fixed, yipee!) Also, we have started baby food with him and as much as I would like to think that I would make my baby food from home I just don't have the time and with as expensive as fruit and veggies are I just don't see it being anymore cost effective than $0.82 for a weeks worth of baby food at Hezekiah's age. Anyway we started with peas one week and his face was hilarious and this week it is squash and I think he really looks forward to eating his "big boy" food after he finishes his bottle. Here are some funny pictures of him eating his peas and squash and his 6 month old/Easter pictures!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
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