So , Andrew's car is still in the shop and hopefully will be done by the end of this week but as always no guarantees. So, Andrew and I are still keeping up the crazy schedule of: Andrew driving me to work, goes back home with baby, drops baby off at daycare, drops the car off at my work, literally runs to work, I get the car and pick up the baby from daycare, go home, drive back down and pick Andrew up for work... and then on Mondays go to youth group! Phew....Definitely not saving anything on gas with all the running around. Makes me VERY thankful that we do not have to do this forever and thankful that God has blessed us with 2 cars.
January 27th, Hezekiah was baptized! Most of the family was able to attend, of course, my Dad was not there since he now lives in Oregon, but nonetheless it was very exciting. I had a lot of emotions about it all, and our Pastor was talking about bringing him up in the Lord and when he grows up and makes the decision to follow the Lord.... it was a realization that this baby I so deeply love will someday make a decision about the kind of life he will live. It almost made me cry in front of the whole church as I thought about the weight of our responsibility to bring him in the Lord and the kind of joy I think will be inexpressible if and when he decides to become a Christian. Anyway, it was so awesome to be able to do that in front of the church. Pictures will come later, as I have to get these from my mom.
Tomorrow, Hezekiah turns 5 months... man does time fly by fast with a baby! He rolls over both ways now and still loves to sleep on his belly. He is starting the babbling stuff now, he's kinda of doing the dadadadad and raspberries and funny little sighs a lot. I love being his Mommy, it's so much fun to watch him develop and see things click together now. I sometimes am taken back by how big he is and how fast he is growing and I really want to just cuddle him all the time because I know this phase will be over sometime and I will miss it! I really cherish every little thing and sometimes when he is playing on the floor, I just lay next to him and stare at him because and just stand back amazed at him and how God has chosen to bless us.
Being back to work is a nice change, I missed my co-workers and am starting a new area in my Human Resources field, I am doing a lot of recruitment work, reports, helping my bosses with projects so it's working out nicely and I really love my job so I am grateful for everything right now. My schedule is only 8am-2pm and I really think this is going to stay for a while, my boss made it clear that if I wanted to stay at this shift it was at my option when Hezekiah even gets into school so I can pick him up, I have really great bosses and I could not ask for better!
Photography for me now that the baby is quite a bit better and he's on formula now is working out really great with how much we are NOT home. He's adjusted well! So, I have a job coming up in March for a wedding, a portrait session next weekend, and another wedding schedule for July. A little extra income goes a long way in our house. Hopefully some more jobs will be coming!
Also, has anyone been watching the news on the Economic Stimulus they are trying to pass... We could really use that about now! Make sure you vote on Tuesday and some people hate tax season but we cannot wait, can you say refund with a new baby? Ha ha, sorry I know that probably sounds so greedy, I promise we're not but with all Andrew's car work we could really use it :) Anyway that's about it for now! Here are some pictures of Hezekiah:
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