Taken from http://www.aids.harvard.edu/news_publications/har/spring_1999/spring99-2.html
If breastfeeding is to be eliminated as an avenue for HIV infection, alternatives such as bottle feeding must be made safe and available. One cannot safely clean bottles and prepare formula in an area that is without adequate supplies of clean water. In some rural areas in Uganda for example, 85 percent of the infants who are fed formula die because it has been made using water contaminated with deadly bacteria. In the same areas, the death rate among infants who become infected with HIV through breastfeeding is 27 percent.
Even when clean water is available, the money to buy formula often is not. In Uganda, the cost of feeding one child adequately with formula is about one and a half times the annual earnings of an average village family.
Cultural issues also are factors in women’s decisions on whether to feed their infants by breast or by bottle. For many years the United Nations and public health organizations have been promoting breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed and the best way to nurture a child. In many countries, the idea that the "breast is best" is still very strong, and the cultural view is that a good mother is one who breastfeeds."
This is an awesome idea that would be great for the organization I would like to start. Patent pending disposable bottles, which comes pre-filled with sanity water and formula you just would squeeze the bottle to mix the contents and feed your baby. Man, think of how much we could change the amount of infected children if we started using these:

You can find information on this patent at: http://austin.craigslist.org/vol/503524310.html
it sounds good in theory would need some work. one question though:
what would people do with the mounds of disposable bottles that would pile up?
That sounds way cool let me know if you do it i would so help with that. That could be a God send for people in chad and all the sourounding camps
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