Sunday, January 27, 2008
First taste of Cereal
Yesterday, we attempted to give Hezekiah some rice cereal for the first time... most of it came out of his mouth and he gave us some pretty wierd faces as well I think all in all it went pretty well. He was more enamored with chewing on the spoon than actually swallowing the cereal. Here are some pictures of the fun event!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Kendra- The Supermom
This is what I have labeled myself after 8 days without Andrew. I started back to work on the 14th and then Andrew went on his annual missions trip to Mexico. Needless to say, I was BUSY! Woke up at 5:30am to take my shower and get ready before Hezekiah wakes up and it hungry and mad that he has been asleep for like 9 hours. I make my lunch (which by the way consists of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some type of crackers) gotta love a poor man's lunch! Then get my pump, and snacks, Hezekiah's stuff ready for daycare, and out the door at 7:00am to make it to the daycare and to work on time... phew... that was a crazy few days :) I managed to make it to bed by like 9:30pm every night, me and the baby were EXHAUSTED.
My job has changed quite a bit and I like to call myself the "jack of all trades" at work now, since I have my hands in every sort of pot while at work and just making myself available to anyone who needs help. Currently, I am helping with Leave of Absences, recruitment, and front desk duties.. I am sure there are more to come. Being at work from 8am-2pm everyday goes by extremely fast. I am excited about the changes to my job now that I have returned and really learning more about my area of work only makes me more of an asset to the company and I love that... job security :) I so look forward to the weekend and getting to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with the men in my life (Andrew and Hezekiah that is). Makes me that much more appreciative of my husband and baby when I get off work.
Yesterday, Hezekiah had his 4 month check up and immunizations. As of tonight, we was running a low grade fever from them and has wanted to eat 6 or more ounces of food every like 2 hours when we were home and didn't necessarily like being put down We gave him some Tylenol so hopefully that helped my little man. Tonight, he knocked out in like 2 seconds after I laid him down at 9:30am. My poor baby is just exhausted from the whole ordeal. This morning, while feeding I touched his little thigh where the shots were done and he cried in the middle of eating, I felt so bad for him. Gave him a bath tonight and hoped that eased his muscle pain and what a good baby he is! He now weighs in at 12.13 lbs (25% of his age) and 25in long (75% of his age). He is becoming a chunker now to me, he wants to eat about 7 ounces at each feeding, so I now he will be gaining quite a bit of weight now, I already noticed his thighs getting more chunk. The Dr told me that it's good I am giving some formula because somewhere around 6 months breast milk loses a lot of it's iron content so formula replaces that lost iron which is good. He is getting so big now, he is a tummy sleeper for certain now. He rolls over both ways now, and can really put a lot of weight on his legs, I have no doubt he will be crawling soon. He is getting ready to sit up on his own, he kind of does it on his own for like 3 seconds and then tumbles over. This weekend we are attempting the rice cereal, so we will see how that goes. Anyway that's the update for now. I have to say I am so happy to have my husband back in my bed with me and helping me with the baby. I don't know how single mother's do it... I really don't! Kudos to those single moms out there :)
My job has changed quite a bit and I like to call myself the "jack of all trades" at work now, since I have my hands in every sort of pot while at work and just making myself available to anyone who needs help. Currently, I am helping with Leave of Absences, recruitment, and front desk duties.. I am sure there are more to come. Being at work from 8am-2pm everyday goes by extremely fast. I am excited about the changes to my job now that I have returned and really learning more about my area of work only makes me more of an asset to the company and I love that... job security :) I so look forward to the weekend and getting to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with the men in my life (Andrew and Hezekiah that is). Makes me that much more appreciative of my husband and baby when I get off work.
Monday, January 21, 2008
2 things
I think since we have been married (almost 3 years now) this about the toughest we've had it financially. We are just waiting for my paycheck to come in so we are dependent on Andrew's income alone while I work and wait for a check.... And even when I do get a check it will be pretty small right now because they are double deducting my benefits for the last month since I was on leave... so it will be tight for a little while here. But I still seem to praise God even when it's extremely hard right now. Andrew's gone, I went back to work, and dealing with finances. Even with that said, we still don't have it that bad... even what I think is our lowest still isn't that low because of Go's provisions in our life. I thank God for all the blessings and I remind myself that it's just a season and it will soon pass.
These 2 songs really hit me hard this week:
"Believe" by Mainstay
"When all around me starts to fall and when my faith it seems so small
Even in my darkest hour, I will believe
Even if the sun begins to fall, even when I feel nothing at all
Even if I'm all alone, I will believe"
And also this amazing song my David Crowder "Everything Glorious"
"You make everything glorious
And I am Yours
What does that make me"
Thank you God for making all things glorious!! I cannot wait to see your glories become even more evident in our lives. Only 2 more days until Andrew comes home Yipeee :)
These 2 songs really hit me hard this week:
"Believe" by Mainstay
"When all around me starts to fall and when my faith it seems so small
Even in my darkest hour, I will believe
Even if the sun begins to fall, even when I feel nothing at all
Even if I'm all alone, I will believe"
And also this amazing song my David Crowder "Everything Glorious"
"You make everything glorious
And I am Yours
What does that make me"
Thank you God for making all things glorious!! I cannot wait to see your glories become even more evident in our lives. Only 2 more days until Andrew comes home Yipeee :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I have to say this is how I describe this week. Monday was my first day back at work. So since we are down to 1 car this is how the last couple of days went:
Andrew drove me to work
Andrew went home with baby til 11am
Andrew dropped off baby at daycare and goes to work and drops car off at my work while he walks to work
I get off work drive to get baby from daycare & head home. Feed baby
Drive to pick up Andrew from work
Ahhh... exhausting.
As if going back to work wouldn't be stressful enough, Andrew left on Wed for his missions trip to Mexico which is hard for both of us I think since we are both away from the baby so much right now. Work is going great, I have never felt so welcomed back, with everyone saying how much they missed me and can't wait to see pictures of the baby! I told myself I wouldn't bring pictures until next week because I didn't want to cry at work.
I have my own office, so I thought pumping at work would be easy but seen as how I only have 2 10 minute breaks yeah now quite working at all while I am at work. I have resulted to expecting next week the baby going from breast milk during the day to formula as soon as my stored milk runs out. I am still breastfeeding while at home, but I can't pump in 10 minutes- No way! Ehhh my expectations of pumping have floated out the window at this point. Ahh well that's what I get for minimizing my schedule so I could spend more time at home with the baby :)
I miss Andrew so much right now and cannot wait for him to get back and I know this missions trip is good for him, it is definitely hard to see him go. I cried all the way to daycare because I didn't want him to go :) I'll get used to it... someday!
Andrew drove me to work
Andrew went home with baby til 11am
Andrew dropped off baby at daycare and goes to work and drops car off at my work while he walks to work
I get off work drive to get baby from daycare & head home. Feed baby
Drive to pick up Andrew from work
Ahhh... exhausting.
As if going back to work wouldn't be stressful enough, Andrew left on Wed for his missions trip to Mexico which is hard for both of us I think since we are both away from the baby so much right now. Work is going great, I have never felt so welcomed back, with everyone saying how much they missed me and can't wait to see pictures of the baby! I told myself I wouldn't bring pictures until next week because I didn't want to cry at work.
I have my own office, so I thought pumping at work would be easy but seen as how I only have 2 10 minute breaks yeah now quite working at all while I am at work. I have resulted to expecting next week the baby going from breast milk during the day to formula as soon as my stored milk runs out. I am still breastfeeding while at home, but I can't pump in 10 minutes- No way! Ehhh my expectations of pumping have floated out the window at this point. Ahh well that's what I get for minimizing my schedule so I could spend more time at home with the baby :)
I miss Andrew so much right now and cannot wait for him to get back and I know this missions trip is good for him, it is definitely hard to see him go. I cried all the way to daycare because I didn't want him to go :) I'll get used to it... someday!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Crucified with Christ
"Galations 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ." How have you understood that phrase?
I think the average Christian assumes Paul is saying something like "Christ died for me." I've heard theologians discuss whether this isn't merely a "positional" statement, whether it was only "as if" Paul had been crucified with the Lord Jesus. But as a pastor, having walked alongside so many broken people who have looked to the cross for redemption and restoration, I have to conclude that no, this statement from Paul is absolutely real."
"...At every turn in the process, Paul watched His dying Savior, he would cry out, "My Lord! This is where I should be!"
"Yes, I know," he Lord would say to him. "But, Paul you cannot pay this price; only I can. And i cannot avoid it, or else you will never live. You'll have no life, Paul, unless I shed My blood for you."
"I have been crucified with Christ, Paul said. How does that statement apply to you and me?
Again, the average Christian would think, 'Well, it doesn't really."
I disagree.
If you saw Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ, did oyu sense that you were being crucified with Christ, or that He was being crucified for you? I'm sure most of those who watched it had great sympathy with Jesus, but I doubt many of us sensed that we were up there on that cross, crucified, and bleeding with Him. Yet I believe you and I are called to begin understanding those depths just as Paul did, and to know the transformation that Paul knew as well."
"There must be a point in your life where you can say- not just doctrinally, but experientially-
"I have been crucified with Christ." Only the living Lord himself can bring you to that place.
The deepest meaning of the cross and it's transforming power can be understood experientially. Don't ever equate knowing a doctrine with having experienced the reality of the truth. The cross must be experienced to be understood."
Taken from Experiencing the Cross by Henry Blackby
I think the average Christian assumes Paul is saying something like "Christ died for me." I've heard theologians discuss whether this isn't merely a "positional" statement, whether it was only "as if" Paul had been crucified with the Lord Jesus. But as a pastor, having walked alongside so many broken people who have looked to the cross for redemption and restoration, I have to conclude that no, this statement from Paul is absolutely real."
"...At every turn in the process, Paul watched His dying Savior, he would cry out, "My Lord! This is where I should be!"
"Yes, I know," he Lord would say to him. "But, Paul you cannot pay this price; only I can. And i cannot avoid it, or else you will never live. You'll have no life, Paul, unless I shed My blood for you."
"I have been crucified with Christ, Paul said. How does that statement apply to you and me?
Again, the average Christian would think, 'Well, it doesn't really."
I disagree.
If you saw Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ, did oyu sense that you were being crucified with Christ, or that He was being crucified for you? I'm sure most of those who watched it had great sympathy with Jesus, but I doubt many of us sensed that we were up there on that cross, crucified, and bleeding with Him. Yet I believe you and I are called to begin understanding those depths just as Paul did, and to know the transformation that Paul knew as well."
"There must be a point in your life where you can say- not just doctrinally, but experientially-
"I have been crucified with Christ." Only the living Lord himself can bring you to that place.
The deepest meaning of the cross and it's transforming power can be understood experientially. Don't ever equate knowing a doctrine with having experienced the reality of the truth. The cross must be experienced to be understood."
Taken from Experiencing the Cross by Henry Blackby
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Returning to work
I have so enjoyed my maternity leave and I am so sad to see it go. Would it be nice to be a stay at home mom- Heck yeah! For now, we need the extra money to, of course, save for the never ending goal of buying a house. I am excited to return to work, because I absolutely love my job and bosses so much and man, when you find a place good like that to work you better hang onto it as long as you can because it's rare.
It's bittersweet, I am giving Hezekiah a bath tonight just thinking about how stir crazy I will be at work and missing my little baby wondering if he is crying or wants his mama. Ahhhhh, I am going to miss him so much! The plus side to my work situation and Andrew's is that we only have to have someone watch him for like 3 hours a day so it'll be good for him to get some socialization with some other children too. We found a wonderful lady through our church who runs a daycare for just a few children so Hezekiah will get the attention he needs as well. It'll be quite a change for both of us I am sure :)
On top of going back to work Monday, Andrew will be leaving on Wed for his missions trip for a week! Could this come at a worse time, I think not. So imagine me, trying to adjust to going back to work, not having my husband in town to help me, and getting myself, the baby ready in the morning and somehow managing to get to work on time... ugh! How on earth did this ever get planned like this!? I am going to have my hands full that is for sure... I am a little stressed thinking about that week, but I am trying to just pray about it and hope that Hezekiah doesn't get cranky in the morning with the new scheduling and let me have it easy. Keep that in prayer for me :) That is all for now!
It's bittersweet, I am giving Hezekiah a bath tonight just thinking about how stir crazy I will be at work and missing my little baby wondering if he is crying or wants his mama. Ahhhhh, I am going to miss him so much! The plus side to my work situation and Andrew's is that we only have to have someone watch him for like 3 hours a day so it'll be good for him to get some socialization with some other children too. We found a wonderful lady through our church who runs a daycare for just a few children so Hezekiah will get the attention he needs as well. It'll be quite a change for both of us I am sure :)
On top of going back to work Monday, Andrew will be leaving on Wed for his missions trip for a week! Could this come at a worse time, I think not. So imagine me, trying to adjust to going back to work, not having my husband in town to help me, and getting myself, the baby ready in the morning and somehow managing to get to work on time... ugh! How on earth did this ever get planned like this!? I am going to have my hands full that is for sure... I am a little stressed thinking about that week, but I am trying to just pray about it and hope that Hezekiah doesn't get cranky in the morning with the new scheduling and let me have it easy. Keep that in prayer for me :) That is all for now!
Friday, January 04, 2008
Tummy sleeping baby
So every night this last week, I go in and check on the baby and he is sleeping soundly. I place him on his back to sleep (per the AAP) to prevent SIDS. I find him asleep on his tummy his little head cocked to the side. I flip him over before I finally go to bed again and I wake up in the morning and he has managed to flip himself back on his tummy again. I guess I can give up trying to get this stubborn little baby to keep sleeping on his back... So wierd. I thought they weren't supposed to do this until they got much older.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
2 families say Welcome to the world...
Congratulations to Ty & Lauren Briggs - Kendal & Katie Pool
Ty & Lauren said Welcome to the world to their new daughter Jovie Alora Briggs at 7:26am weighing in at 6lbs and 15oz. and 19 inches long. Lauren delivered that Jovie in an amazing 4 hours from start to finish! Whoa, great job Lauren !! Please keep little Jovie in your prayers as she was placed in NICU today because she had stopped breathing a few times today.
Also a Congratulations are in order for Kendal & Katie Pool , she delivered her 2nd baby a girl this time, Dana Grace Pool 6lbs 3oz and 17.5 inches long (who couldn't be any more opposite from her almost 10lb brother), she was born at around 11pm tonight. Katie was induced at 8am this morning, and delivered a healthy baby girl just before the next day. Yeahhh!!

We say Congratulations to the new proud parents!! We are keeping a fast recovery for both mommies in our prayers :)
Ty & Lauren said Welcome to the world to their new daughter Jovie Alora Briggs at 7:26am weighing in at 6lbs and 15oz. and 19 inches long. Lauren delivered that Jovie in an amazing 4 hours from start to finish! Whoa, great job Lauren !! Please keep little Jovie in your prayers as she was placed in NICU today because she had stopped breathing a few times today.

Also a Congratulations are in order for Kendal & Katie Pool , she delivered her 2nd baby a girl this time, Dana Grace Pool 6lbs 3oz and 17.5 inches long (who couldn't be any more opposite from her almost 10lb brother), she was born at around 11pm tonight. Katie was induced at 8am this morning, and delivered a healthy baby girl just before the next day. Yeahhh!!
We say Congratulations to the new proud parents!! We are keeping a fast recovery for both mommies in our prayers :)
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
2 unique/ special gifts
For Christmas my mom gave me this special gift of a very unique baby book. This book, pictured below, was handmade by a mother of a company called Kisses 4 tristen, her daughter has cancer. She makes these books for people to help raise money to buy wigs for her daughter. She asks the customer all sorts of information about the baby and then designs the books based on what information you give her so amazing!! This gift brought so much joy to my heart! If you are interested in purchasing one of these amazing little books, here is the contact information: Kisses 4 Tristen, Monique Crouser (owner and designer),

Also, Andrew bought this very special necklace at Knott's last night since I was at home with the baby for New Year's while he and a few friends went and rung in the new year enjoying Praise 2008. The necklace is cool, it comes with a mollusk and the necklace- you crack open the mollusk and get your pearl, clean it off and then open your necklace and place the pearl inside the chamber of the necklace. The necklace is called Pearl of Love, I love it and so sweet of him to think of me when I was at home. I love you Andrew!
Also, Andrew bought this very special necklace at Knott's last night since I was at home with the baby for New Year's while he and a few friends went and rung in the new year enjoying Praise 2008. The necklace is cool, it comes with a mollusk and the necklace- you crack open the mollusk and get your pearl, clean it off and then open your necklace and place the pearl inside the chamber of the necklace. The necklace is called Pearl of Love, I love it and so sweet of him to think of me when I was at home. I love you Andrew!
"Formula Hope"
"Formula Hope" is an idea of an organization I would like to start someday. Formula Hope would be delivering sanitary and disposable bottles to AIDS infected areas. Unfortunately, even though a mother is infected, HIV-positive, many children are born negative but because they breastfeed their babies the child then becomes HIV- positive because they have no other source for food. A child that is born with hope, but is doomed because of lack of sources.
Taken from
If breastfeeding is to be eliminated as an avenue for HIV infection, alternatives such as bottle feeding must be made safe and available. One cannot safely clean bottles and prepare formula in an area that is without adequate supplies of clean water. In some rural areas in Uganda for example, 85 percent of the infants who are fed formula die because it has been made using water contaminated with deadly bacteria. In the same areas, the death rate among infants who become infected with HIV through breastfeeding is 27 percent.
Even when clean water is available, the money to buy formula often is not. In Uganda, the cost of feeding one child adequately with formula is about one and a half times the annual earnings of an average village family.
Cultural issues also are factors in women’s decisions on whether to feed their infants by breast or by bottle. For many years the United Nations and public health organizations have been promoting breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed and the best way to nurture a child. In many countries, the idea that the "breast is best" is still very strong, and the cultural view is that a good mother is one who breastfeeds."
This is an awesome idea that would be great for the organization I would like to start. Patent pending disposable bottles, which comes pre-filled with sanity water and formula you just would squeeze the bottle to mix the contents and feed your baby. Man, think of how much we could change the amount of infected children if we started using these:

You can find information on this patent at:
Taken from
If breastfeeding is to be eliminated as an avenue for HIV infection, alternatives such as bottle feeding must be made safe and available. One cannot safely clean bottles and prepare formula in an area that is without adequate supplies of clean water. In some rural areas in Uganda for example, 85 percent of the infants who are fed formula die because it has been made using water contaminated with deadly bacteria. In the same areas, the death rate among infants who become infected with HIV through breastfeeding is 27 percent.
Even when clean water is available, the money to buy formula often is not. In Uganda, the cost of feeding one child adequately with formula is about one and a half times the annual earnings of an average village family.
Cultural issues also are factors in women’s decisions on whether to feed their infants by breast or by bottle. For many years the United Nations and public health organizations have been promoting breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed and the best way to nurture a child. In many countries, the idea that the "breast is best" is still very strong, and the cultural view is that a good mother is one who breastfeeds."
This is an awesome idea that would be great for the organization I would like to start. Patent pending disposable bottles, which comes pre-filled with sanity water and formula you just would squeeze the bottle to mix the contents and feed your baby. Man, think of how much we could change the amount of infected children if we started using these:

You can find information on this patent at:
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