We take for granted the little things in life all the time! Hezekiah is napping soundly in his crib and I get out of the shower to check on him and I rest my hand on his chest just to check to make sure he is still breathing... I know it might sound a freaky to always check to make sure they are breathing but nonetheless every mother tells me they do this like in the middle of the night too (which I have done also). As I rest my hand on his chest, he gets startled and his hands and feet both flail out and then they quickly go back to where they were before I disrupted him. It's so amazing being a mom, I am changing his diaper this morning and I am talking to him in this high pitched voice and telling him that his diaper stinks and he gives me this toothless smile and I can't help but just LOVE him so much more. Yesterday after bath time, I laid him on our bed so I could put some baby lotion on him and he is just so enthralled with me talking to him and massaging this lotion on him that he lets out this little "Ahhh" and then gives me another smile and I think "MAN, I LOVE THIS LITTLE BOY SOOOO MUCH!!!" I am finally at a point where sleep deprivation is no longer an issue because Hezekiah lets me sleep a few hours at a time which does not seem like a lot (I know), but when you look forward to getting 1 hour of sleep you know it's sad! Now, Hezekiah has kind of gotten in his own sleeping and eating routine and it helps me soooo much now and I am starting to feel somewhat like a normal person finally.
How many times do we in our own lives take for granted the little things in our life. Unknowingly breathing, having a roof over our heads, a job to pay our bills, friends who genuinely care for you, a family who loves you no matter what! My little baby boy, no matter how I am feeling or how bad of a day we have had, I feel so blessed just when I look at him because his presence just makes me feel so special that God chose me to be a mother to him. It's crazy how much God blesses our family, and we choose to dwell on the great things that GOD is doing in our lives. Satan tries to bring people into our lives with their drama and crap and cloud our blessed life, and even in spite of Satan's best efforts, we still keep positive and do what we know GOD would want us to do not try to please the people. We are seeking to please the Savior and do what He wants us to do because ultimately He is the One we want to please. Only through prayer and petition has God given me a peace about the choices I have made and I do not have any regrets!
Everyone has a choice in their life, either you are going to choose to be the kind of person who focuses on EVERYTHING that God has NOT given you, or you can chose to be the kind of person who focuses on EVERYTHING that God HAS given you and give thanks. What kind of person will you choose to be? I take a big breathe in and deep breathe out and Give Thanks to God for giving me breathe today :)
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