Sunday, March 18, 2007

Going on 16 weeks and the wierdest dream...

So starting next week I should be in the beginning of my 16th week, still feeling pretty good and finding that I am still kinda fitting into my old clothes but getting together. Everyone at church kept asking me "When are you going to start showing?" I usually just shrug and say I don't know... So, I feel chubby and to me I see a little belly but to most people don't see anything at all resembling a belly. Here is the most resent picture I took of myself is morning....

The other part of my title for my blog was that I have had now 2 dreams of my car being stolen. We own a 2006 Honda Civic sedan, this most resent dream was me taking it to a non-official car wash at a gas station. I was waiting for some time when I looked outside and I did not see my car anywhere. When I asked the people they said they took the car around the block to dry it off. A little while later when everyone else's cars were gone I was sitting there and my car still had not shown. When I asked the cashier she told me that sometimes they take people's cars... Aghast I say "What!!" The cashier said, you see those people in the cars leaving right now they are the ones that probably stole you car but we can't bother them now they are leaving... still shocked... I said "Little do they know my car has low-jack and you will pay for this" They located the car and they said it was on the dock getting ready to be loaded into a truck. Then... I woke up. Sheesh what is up with the 2 dreams of my car being stolen?


Anonymous said...

i notice your stomach...but yeah soon it will show more and more because i have seen it happen haha anyways....its all good

Nicole Leonard said...

I think I've heard about pregnancy causing weird dreams. And you probably dreamt about your car being stolen because Micah's car was stolen. :(

Hey, I still have your candle stuff!! So when can we go see your new place??? I saw a TINY bit of it in the picture... But I wanna see the WHOLE thing! :)