Yesterday we got delivered our new TV... Yipeee! It is ohhhh so pretty!! Here is a picture of it below:

Also, may be a prayer answered. We have praying, of course, about what we were going to do once the baby was born and we have been cutting back anything we owe and putting money in the bank. I have been wondering what I could do for any extra money after the baby was born, Thursday afternoon, after helping my boss out a lot with projects and it being crazy busy at work. She said that I couldn't leave working once the baby was born because they needed me so bad. She said that she would find something for me part time in the same department and if we could she would see if we could set me up to do some work from home. My jaw is dropping and I am like, WOW! That would be so awesome if we could do that because that is what we have been trying to figure out :) She said, we'll talk more once we get closer to your due date, but you can't leave us! I am keeping this is my prayers that hopefully something would be able to work out. I am not getting my hopes up, of course, they have to think about budget, etc. before anything like this would ever even happen. So, keep this in your prayers, this would be nothing short of a miracle to us because I love my job and my bosses and I know that I won't want to leave my baby for too long.