Where do I start?
I have been praying for about 6 months now about new jobs or a new career or an opportunity, but recently I feel like God doesn't want me to go anywhere. Andrew points out to me that I should be happy with any job that I have, because God has given it to you. He also pointed out that I have never been happy with any job that I have had. Not that I disagree either, I guess I just expect that I should be in a job that meets my personal interests as well and my strenghts. I really want to try to find a job that I can do from home, so when kids come I won't have to change jobs or anything. Keep me in your prayers as I am trying to figure out if God is telling me to be happy with the job I have, or it is just the wrong timing for me to switch jobs. Currently at my work they will be opening a position for a Human Resources receptionist which pays more and of course, would be a much more involved and busy job. All I would have to do is put in a transfer request, and get interviewed and see if I would be able to get the job. I want to make sure that this is what He wants for me. Maybe God has not put a desire in me to work for a company because of my desire to have kids and be home with them. I don't know pray for me to have direction and guidance, and to have wisdom in making my decisions.
Andrew has gotten bumped up to 20 hours at the church now, which we are both very excited about. He can quit a few more hours at PCN, which is moving towards the ultimate goal of being in ministry full-time. We started separating the Jr/Sr. high groups on Mondays and College/Career on Tuesdays. The boys are doing great in the college/career, but I have a steady 1 girl when it comes to Tuesday nights. It really is frustrating because I have so many girls say, Yeah I'd come and then when I announced it no one decided to come. Anyway, we may end up just combining the boys and girls for college/career because apparently there is no need for college girls on tuesday nights. We have some really fun events coming up for Barefeet up until December, so it is so awesome. I hope we get a good turn out of kids on our events.
Financially, we are doing really good. God is just totally blessing us with out finances. We have been following our budget pretty closely for like 3 months now and we will completely credit card debt free as of March 24th!!! We are so thrilled, we only had problems with stuff on credit because Andrew has had to do some major work on his truck and we never have the money we need in our accounts for it, and it just kinda built up. So, we will still owe on the truck and the Rv but that should be paid off about 1 year from now. We are still saving while doing all of these payments, but we hope to buy me a new car after March because my car is just not as reliable as it used to be and for as far as I drive to work; it would be better to get something new.
We don't know what God is going to with us as far as a house, we struggle between not owing a man anything and using it for ministry. We know that God will be able to open way more doors if we buy a house or we live in a house. Financially, in this market, I don't know how it is possible with a small house costing $400,000. Yikes!! So we thought about buying a biggern RV til we can save enough, but I refuse to raise children in an RV. So we have a few options, my dad asked if he moved would we want to rent his house from him, and we really are thinking about that. Renting it from him so eventually we can buy it from him. My grandma's house, in Riverside, is another option. She might be moving temporarily or permanently into assisted living. She has said to us many times that she doesn't want to sell the house and she want to keep it in the family. So we thought about being able to rent the house from my grandma until we can buy it off of her. Rent would have to be within our means though. So, we are just waiting to see what God will lay before us for the future. We had planned on having kids about 2 1/2 years from now but man... that keeps looking harder and harder but I think that is only because well, we live in a Fifth wheel. Anyway, Keep all these things in your prayers for us.
That picture is funny, thought I would attach it!!!
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