For house hunting! We have asked our realtor to take a look at these properties for us...I think we have now like 4-6 homes we want to take a look at. These are some ones we are interested in:
Oakwood Pl $189,000 (Desirable Wood Streets area of Riverside, has a studio guest house in the back of the property, that might be cool!)

Burnside Ct $135,000 (In the same neighborhood as I grew up in)

Quebec Dr $134,900 (Right near Arlington High School)

Nelson St $185,000 (only a 1 bathroom, but it's worth a look because of the neighborhood)

Arch Way $196,000 (pretty high priced, so we will see what it actually looks like!)

Kendrick Dr $195,000 (In Canyon Crest, so that's why the price is so high)