Sunday, August 31, 2008
Reallity hits...
the many many many sleepless nights when he was first born to
being pooped on right after his bath to
being pee'd on while changing his diapers to
watching him smile for the first time at me to
seeing him roll over for the first time to
seeing him crawl to
seeing him eat food to
OMG seeing him walk now!
I just can't believe this little baby of mine is now turning 1 year old!!! How did time fly so fast, you know those many night feedings at the time seemed so exhausting but that little baby then loved to be cuddled and hugged and wrapped tight and secure.... now he wants nothing more than to walk everywhere on his own. It's amazing and also scary because the next time I turn around his little jibberish will someday make sense and then I will turn around again and I will be taking him to pre-school... okay okay, I won't try to get ahead of myself too much here. I cherish this little boy so much, and love him to death I cannot wait to see how he grows even more but I wish it would slow down juuuussstttt a little bit here. My only prayer for him right now (other than to stay healthy) is to someday have a love for Jesus like my husband and I do, to grow up someday and make some girl the luckiest in the world and to love her like no other can. But for now, I will pray that he grows strong like his name means --Hezekiah "Strengthened by God".
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I hate black widows
Dad's when he moved boxed up and moved onto our patio, I have never in my
life seen SOOOO many black widows and HUGE ones. Every time I go to do
laundry outside I have to do a check through and kill several before I can
feel safe about even being out there. Ugh, there are just too many dark
places for them to hide. Does anyone have any advice for keeping them
New blog template
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hezekiah walking!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
How bizarre is this?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Say Bye Bye for a little while
Thursday, August 14, 2008
breath and praise God for His presence and power. Praising him changes our
perspective. It remedies panic and restores peace. And as our outlook
changes, we become less focused on personal needs. We become more aware of
those around us."
Grace Fox
Monday, August 11, 2008
Working in a truly mysterious way!
Andrew couldn't find his wallet, so we looked all over but still never
found it. Andrew had been calling the bank making sure that no one had
found it and started using our cards. When we got home we put Hezekiah to
bed and literally ripped apart the whole house looking for his wallet, we
even ripped apart the bed and started to make sure he didn't throw it on
the bed. We gave up around 10 and went to bed, but before I went to bed and
said a little prayer asking God to show us where it was. I woke up at 6am
and pulled my clothes for the day from the closet and laid them on the bed.
With it still dark in our bedroom, I looked down at my clothes and BAM
right next to them was laying his wallet!!! Is God awesome or what!? The
whole way to work, I am just saying THANK YOU LORD! Makes no sense at all,
but Thank you!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Delivered from the Scoto
Scoto is! I myself wondered the same thing when a Pastor used this word in
a Sermon. I have been delivered from the Scoto, in Greek it's meaning is
Darkness literally meaning blindness. I have been delivered from darkness,
from blidness, from a meaningless life.
In thinking about this it brings me to this verse 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are
a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to
God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness
into his wonderful light."
And what a wonderful light it has been. These last few months I really have
felt like I have been in this slump, not acting like I should, having very
little patience, and truly feeling exhuasted with everyday life. I have
been taking steps to put me back on track again, I bought a new devotional,
praying more, and listening more to sermons to keep me in the Word. Hearing
this verse really brings me back to where I was at before I was a
Christian- living an ungodly life and not focused on anything, and clearly
depressed with where my life was headed. I can be truly grateful now in
looking back, that God was gracious enough to call me out of that darkness
and into His amazing light.
As I am on the boat riding to Catalina for the weekend, this time here
allows me to really stop, take a minute, and enjoy the simple life that God
has given me. This weekend is about Impact, the theme of our trip with the
youth group. We are in a day where we are seeing prophesies coming to life,
is there truly time to mess around with our end destination. Christianity
is not fire insurance, it goes deeper than that in ways I think most of our
society has no clue about because they think all they need to do is be
saved and that is enough.
So, if you were to die tonight - Do you know where you will be going?