opera - but I'm not. Sometimes the things that happen in my life would make
an interesting movie... For sure.
I named this blog this because I feel like sometimes it is truly hard to
have any faith at all in people. Not people I know necessarily, but people
I don't know. How can you have faith in people today that are ruthless,
rude, uncaring, unloving, and narcissistic? I could be truly pessimistic
and continue talking about how disappointing people are nowadays but I am
going to try and be positive. I have faith in God, and that is about the
only reason I can get out of bed somedays. I don't claim to be a saint of
any kind, I get impatient and uncaring at times but never to the extreme
that I find in others today. How can I look at life with fresh eyes other
than asking for God to give me His. He somehow finds a way to find some
good in each of us and I find that particularly amazing about Christ and
His grace. We have this 1 life to live, and sometimes God gives us do
over's in our decisions but most times we are subject to dealing with the
consequences of our bad decisions. We have this 1 life to live and only 1
family to live it with, so why is it so hard to get along?? Can't we all
just put these differences aside for just 1 second for the greater good in
the purpose of our Savior?
A lot of the sermons I was listening to was talking about Revelation and
the end times and I disagreed on some of their views. So I am interested in
what all your view is on the rapture of the church? What's your opinion on
how you think it will all go down? No judgements here, I am just interested
Well that's all for now, I am headed off to sleep now!