Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Today we celebrate!
Today is our 3rd Anniversary, boy does time fly by fast! It's funny how after only 3 years we already feel like we have been married for like 20 or so. Even though my husband is a goofball, there has never been a dull moment since the day we both said "I do". We've been through some REALLY good times and some rough times as well. God has been extremely good to us and we have NO complaints about our life. I still look back to our vows and can't help but laugh, mine were all serious and couldn't sputter out the word "submissive" and Andrew's promise to always be "goofy". I don't think I have ever heard so many people laugh during a ceremony before. Every marriage has their moments of frustration but it also has it's joy. God has truly set apart for me my match in life. He is an amazing Father and a caring Husband. Seeing him with our baby just confirms everything I knew about him when I started dating him. I knew he would be a great Father and Husband, it will so great to see him once Hezekiah gets to be a toddler because Andrew will be able to have so much more fun with him. Thank you Lord for blessing this family 1 more year and we pray that you would continue to bless our family as you are now. Being married has been an amazing gift, Andrew is my beloved and I have found the one whom my soul loves! Happy Anniversary- My Knight!
Friday, April 18, 2008
So Andrew's co-worker accidentally blurted out some information that she thought was public knowledge but wasn't yet. So it looks as though Andrew might be up for a nice big promotion and God's timing is always perfect. Annual raises should be coming up for me as well, so we will have to wait and see next month how much it will be... at this point any raise at all is a good raise because I have cut my hours since coming back to work after the baby.
My VP is amazing, she always makes me feel good about myself and my work, she told me the other day "You know you can never leave me, right?" and today she said "You know sometimes you keep me sane!" I told her "Yeah and you keep me sane, because sometimes I can never keep things straight" We both had a good laugh because of how crazy today was. I could never have asked for a better VP! Work has been really hard and stressful for me lately because of other co-workers, does anyone else have any co-workers you know who just DON'T pull their own weight? I feel like sometimes I end up asking myself "They are making how much money to do what? Nothing." Maybe my standards of people are just too high, maybe I expect too much out of people nowadays! When I am at work, I always give 150% because as a Christian I know we work for the LORD and not for men. Right now my job is my livelihood, I cannot afford in any sense to risk my job and not just that but my VP makes me want to work hard for her because she has such high integrity and in some way I want to impress her and make myself an asset to the company. Why even work if you aren't going to give it all you've got. I guess I just expect that same level of responsibility that is just completely absent in this person, especially when making that much money... anyway just venting about work a little.
My Dad and his wife have decided to sell the house which I spend the majority of my childhood growing up in. I have such a sadness about them selling because EVERY memory I have as a child (good and bad through the whole divorce of my parents), is in that house. It will be a really hard thing for me to see someone else living in that house. Every summer we spent swimming in the pool, birthday parties in the backyard, laying on the cement next to the pool on a hot summer, playing barbies in the gameroom, walking home from school to that house, watching the rose parade every morning in the living room- I feel like I could go on for hours about that house and how much I will miss it, so I will stop now before I start crying or something.
Ever heard that song by Kendall Payne "Scratch", I cry almost every time I hear that song, it just totally explains how I feel some days:
"it's a big girl world now
full of big girl things
and everyday i wish i was small
i've been counting on nothing
but he keeps giving me his word
and i'm tired of hearing myself speak
do you get weary? do you ever get weak?
how do you dream when you can't fall asleep?"
Some days I just wish I could be a kid again... does anyone else every feel that way?
My VP is amazing, she always makes me feel good about myself and my work, she told me the other day "You know you can never leave me, right?" and today she said "You know sometimes you keep me sane!" I told her "Yeah and you keep me sane, because sometimes I can never keep things straight" We both had a good laugh because of how crazy today was. I could never have asked for a better VP! Work has been really hard and stressful for me lately because of other co-workers, does anyone else have any co-workers you know who just DON'T pull their own weight? I feel like sometimes I end up asking myself "They are making how much money to do what? Nothing." Maybe my standards of people are just too high, maybe I expect too much out of people nowadays! When I am at work, I always give 150% because as a Christian I know we work for the LORD and not for men. Right now my job is my livelihood, I cannot afford in any sense to risk my job and not just that but my VP makes me want to work hard for her because she has such high integrity and in some way I want to impress her and make myself an asset to the company. Why even work if you aren't going to give it all you've got. I guess I just expect that same level of responsibility that is just completely absent in this person, especially when making that much money... anyway just venting about work a little.
My Dad and his wife have decided to sell the house which I spend the majority of my childhood growing up in. I have such a sadness about them selling because EVERY memory I have as a child (good and bad through the whole divorce of my parents), is in that house. It will be a really hard thing for me to see someone else living in that house. Every summer we spent swimming in the pool, birthday parties in the backyard, laying on the cement next to the pool on a hot summer, playing barbies in the gameroom, walking home from school to that house, watching the rose parade every morning in the living room- I feel like I could go on for hours about that house and how much I will miss it, so I will stop now before I start crying or something.
Ever heard that song by Kendall Payne "Scratch", I cry almost every time I hear that song, it just totally explains how I feel some days:
"it's a big girl world now
full of big girl things
and everyday i wish i was small
i've been counting on nothing
but he keeps giving me his word
and i'm tired of hearing myself speak
do you get weary? do you ever get weak?
how do you dream when you can't fall asleep?"
Some days I just wish I could be a kid again... does anyone else every feel that way?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Went to the dentist for the first time in...uhh...well over 3 years now! I am embarassed already so no need for negative comments. They asked me how long it has been and I HATE when they ask that and it has been a long time. They took a look at my mouth and told me I have 2 cavities, no less on my wisdom tooth on my left side. Other than that my teeth look great. They told me I had the beginnings of gum disease and prescribed me a mouth wash which should take care of that. So I have 3 appointments coming up costing me a total over $300 to take care of the 2 cavities, rx mouthwash, deep cleaning, and a follow up eval after 6 weeks of the mouthwash. Ugh, I need to make sure I really keep up on my appts now! Oh yeah that amount I am paying is AFTER insurance, yippee :) I wouldnt really have that bad of a problem if it had 't been for me forgetting to floss as often. Crazy huh?
Monday, April 14, 2008
These last couple of months have proved to be a true test of our faithfulness between finances and Andrew's car, work situations... and the list could go on but I will stop at there. I think God has been molding us in many ways, showing us new things about our lives everyday. We are thankful for food on the table and clothes on our back and formula to feed the baby plus the many more things like a working car to get us to our jobs which bring us the bacon.
What the future holds for us we don't know, will we EVER buy a house.... ehhhh who knows I guess if we don't it doesn't matter because if we die we can't take it with us anyway. But all of these concerns seem so minute when comparing to my co-worker who will be quitting work in May to take care of her husband. She decided to sell all her assets in order to be able to afford to keep him at home. And in her words "If I have to start all over again, oh well, I will start all over again." And when it really comes down to it she's right nothing in this world, no new car, no big screen high def tv, no big house, will ever replace the precious time you spend with a loved one when you never know how long you have with them.
What the future holds for us we don't know, will we EVER buy a house.... ehhhh who knows I guess if we don't it doesn't matter because if we die we can't take it with us anyway. But all of these concerns seem so minute when comparing to my co-worker who will be quitting work in May to take care of her husband. She decided to sell all her assets in order to be able to afford to keep him at home. And in her words "If I have to start all over again, oh well, I will start all over again." And when it really comes down to it she's right nothing in this world, no new car, no big screen high def tv, no big house, will ever replace the precious time you spend with a loved one when you never know how long you have with them.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Not of this World
Maybe some of you have seen stickers like this one of the backs of cars

Or maybe even one like this:
Or maybe you have a similar sticker like this on the back of your own car. Do you have one of these stickers on your car and drive crazy?? Quite honestly it just makes me mad when I see cars that have a sticker like that and drive crazy- what kind of message do you think you are sending people, believers and non-believers, when you cut someone off on the road, or decide to bypass the whole line and jump in front (because you don't want to waste your precious time) or just drive like a raving maniac speeding down the road weaving in and out of traffic (no doubt in your white raised pick up truck). I know that is a horrible stereotype, but it is totally true. Don't you think that this leaves people with a lasting impression of "Christians are jerks!" I mean realistically Christians have a hard enough time trying to win people over but if for some crazy reason you think that cutting someone off on the street or speeding while weaving in and out of traffic and having that sticker on your car is going to win them over to Christianity... YOU'RE WRONG! If you're going to drive like a jerk- seriously- just take off the dang sticker because you aren't proving anything to anyone especially other Christians by driving like a jerk and having that sticker on. All it does is prove to non-believers why they shouldn't believe in Christ. Think twice about the way you drive when you have those kinds of things on your car.
Or maybe even one like this:
Or maybe you have a similar sticker like this on the back of your own car. Do you have one of these stickers on your car and drive crazy?? Quite honestly it just makes me mad when I see cars that have a sticker like that and drive crazy- what kind of message do you think you are sending people, believers and non-believers, when you cut someone off on the road, or decide to bypass the whole line and jump in front (because you don't want to waste your precious time) or just drive like a raving maniac speeding down the road weaving in and out of traffic (no doubt in your white raised pick up truck). I know that is a horrible stereotype, but it is totally true. Don't you think that this leaves people with a lasting impression of "Christians are jerks!" I mean realistically Christians have a hard enough time trying to win people over but if for some crazy reason you think that cutting someone off on the street or speeding while weaving in and out of traffic and having that sticker on your car is going to win them over to Christianity... YOU'RE WRONG! If you're going to drive like a jerk- seriously- just take off the dang sticker because you aren't proving anything to anyone especially other Christians by driving like a jerk and having that sticker on. All it does is prove to non-believers why they shouldn't believe in Christ. Think twice about the way you drive when you have those kinds of things on your car.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Funniest thing!
Thought this was hilarious! Can be bought at Target for the low price of 39.99:
This is a training potty urinal for boys!!
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Sunday, April 06, 2008
A Cherished moment
Tonight is one of the nights that I most cherish being a mom. Where do I begin? Hezekiah mainly sleeps through the night with a once in a blue moon waking up but tonight was one of the night when he last ate at around 6pm and was getting tired around 8:30pm so I laid him down for a nap and decided somewhere around 9:30 I would give him a small bottle and send him back to bed. When I went into his room to wake him up for his bottle, he grasped onto me and ust laid his head on my shoulder as I walked him out to the living room to give him his bottle. and as I was holding him he'd lift up his head to look around and then lay his head back down on my shoulder- just like a sack of potatoes he was pretty heavy. I fed him his bottle and towards the end he's falling asleep again, so I take his head under my arm and he snuggles his little head in the bend of my arm and quickly falls asleep again in my arms. I walk steadily towards his room and gently lay him in his crib where he adjusts his sleeping position and I know he is completely knocked out after just a few seconds.
I really cherish moments like these because I know so quickly they will be gone and I will miss these little things about him being this age. He has such a sweet disposition and smiles at almost every funny face I make. He is getting 2 teeth in and even with that (I know this is not the worst of it) but he is STILL such a sweet baby! I am almost scared to have another baby because I just don't know how we could have another perfect baby?! I can't wait until he wakes up in the morning- my sweet little Hezekiah!
I really cherish moments like these because I know so quickly they will be gone and I will miss these little things about him being this age. He has such a sweet disposition and smiles at almost every funny face I make. He is getting 2 teeth in and even with that (I know this is not the worst of it) but he is STILL such a sweet baby! I am almost scared to have another baby because I just don't know how we could have another perfect baby?! I can't wait until he wakes up in the morning- my sweet little Hezekiah!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Hezekiah Crawling
We caught Hezekiah crawling for the first time tonight with the video camera. Not a full on crawl but the kid is seriously moving now! AHHHH! Here's the video we took:
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