Friday, March 31, 2006
Home now
Coming home
This is a very bittersweet feeling. Coming home to more family and friends
but also leaving my family here in Oregon. Going back to work again and not
being able to see my mom whenever I feel like it. We got spoiled up here
with all the fun and sleeping in...I will miss staying with my mom and her
driving like a race car driver on the snowmobiles. I have such an
overwhelming feeling of missing my mom so much! I guess it might get easier
with time, but who knows....
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Andrew's new toy
I bought this toy for andrew called an acrobot... It's way cool. You can
make him stand on his head and he's magnetic. Today we did some shopping in
a little town called Sisters. Had a great burger at Bronco Billy's. Bought
some gifts... And then got some amazing truffles made by Sweetshop and can
be found at Totally awesome. We will be snowmobiling
tomorrow afternoon... can't wait to sleep in our own bed again :)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I miss my Lily-girl!! Just having fun with my mom's doggy... She is so well
behaved and loving. I want a puppy soooo bad :)
Enchiladas for dinner
Me and my mom hand made enchiladas for dinner tonight... Mmm. Can't wait to
see some more of my family. Yum :)
Monday, March 27, 2006
Mount Bachelor
Went skiing for the first time and wow my calves are killing me. I had a
lot of fun even though I don't care for skiing very much. Tomorrow we are
gonna have dinner with my uncle and aunt and with my cousin and her growing
Friday, March 24, 2006
Escort.... Egh
Okay imagine this... We are sitting in our hotel room in our pj's and
suddenly there is a knock at our door. Andrew answers as I am putting on
clothes, and the lady said something along the lines of you ordered a
service. You're room 434 right? I look around the corner and she says I am
with an agency. She's like I bet you're wondering what the heck is going
on. She gets on the phone and starts verifying information... Yeah she
wasn't wearing anything underneath the jacket she was wearing. Hello!!!!!
Stuck in Portland
Okay so we were supposed to have a connecting flight in Portland OR to
Redmond and our flight got delayed because the plane hit a bird. So,
needless to say we missed our flight to Redmond... Airline paid for our
hotel room and we will catch our new flight 8am tomorrow.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Grilled cheese and soup for dinner tonight
Yep yep... This is the good stuff being a wife and cooking a simple dinner.
Can't wait til I get a full size kitchen in a house!!
MacBook Pro
We are looking good and onward to saving for a new car for me!! Who hoo we are probably going to buy a Mazda 3 because it gets good gas mileage and it was highly rated by consumer reports and I really like the style. I would have preferred a SUV but we just cannot and do not want to afford the gas on it.
Looks like my dad is looking at getting married sometime in September, so things have progressed very nicely for my dad and I am so happy that he is moving along and has a companion.
I have been working with a very difficult boss and I don't know even where to start. She is an ordained minister but yet has treated me like crap from day 1. She is horrible with communication and lies every time she turns around. God has really taught me an all around life lesson about difficult people and how to deal with them. See, in the beginning I would get upset when she would lie, get upset about how she presents projects to me and how she disrespects me. I have prayed very hard for quite some time and God has really given me HIS spirit in dealing with her. I have been taught how to ignore the things she does because well... it's just a job. It's not my #1 priority... GOD is. I smile and nod and move on and forget about my day at work when I am not there. Ultimately it does not fall on my shoulders. My soul misses and longs for God's spirit to be upon me in the day. So when I forget to do my devotion in the morning I truly miss that time of intimacy with God. During my devotion in the morning, all my burdens and all my worries are given to him. God's faithfulness amazes even more and more everyday as I see Him answering my prayers. I see him working in our lives... the possibility of moving into a house and just providing for our everything. I have been given the opportunity to experience the presence of God on a daily basis because I have a sincere desire to spend time with Him and for Him to be always present wherever I am in my day. I am forever thankful for the ability that my Father has given me. I realize that even at a whisper "Father..." I know that He is there before my eyes can even twinkle. So I whisper "Father, give me your spirit today so I can be a witness and send your Holy Spirit to us to make this day yours" I pray that you would be able to experience God like I have recently.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Onward to Oregon
Andrew and I will be flying up to Oregon to visit my mom and step-dad from
March 24th to the 31st. I am very excited as I have not seen my mom since
she left for Oregon. And also very excited that I will be off of work for a
Thank you to all of you that have prayed and continue to pray for my work
situation and for blessing our lives.
Also, Andrew and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary being married
next month. So we will be in Huntington beach for the weekend of April
I hope all is well with all of you and I continue to pray for all of your
requests. God bless you and keep you walking in his will.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Journal entry 3/14/06
This soul strives to reach where my heart longs to be and not even this
imagination can fathom what beauty and wonder await.
Kendra Holybee
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Oregon here we come
We have been married for almost a year now, and I am so blown away at how fast time has flown by. We are just moving right along getting our debt paid off so we can start saving to buy a new laptop for Andrew, a New car for me, and someday buy a house. Andrew and I are in desperate need of our own computers because we are always fighting over it for the internet... techies. So, that will be out next venture, then to buy me a new car to prepare for having babies... someday :)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Chris Daughtry

I know, I know... it's kinda wierd but I watch American Idol just because I like to see what kind of talent is going to be making music. And me, being in singing for so long, I love to criticize people who can't sing and love to listen to those who REALLY can. So my new favorite is Chris Daughtry, really down to earth cool guy who has an awesome voice. Tonight he sang Fuel "Hemorrhage" and it was awesome. Whooo-hooo for Chris :) If you want to listen/view tonights song for Chris Daughtry check out: