Monday, February 20, 2006

My Nightlight

All tucked in safe and warm
No sounds are made, not even a worm

My eyes begin to gently close
I look up and the glow hits my nose

When all is dark
The enemy sets his mark

I will look to you my gracious Nightlight
The battle begins, the enemy took flight

But my dear Nightlight protects me
When all seems lost, He makes me free

Stronger than ever before
With my Nightlight ever more

The darkness begins to close in
My eyes are lifted to my kin

My bold and bright Nightlight
My constant and clear Nightlight bright

Now I am safe, and always have been
The glow that hits my nose, near is my friend

Now I know I can always look
No matter how dark, to my faithful and merciful Night light

Saving me from being overtaken
My precious Nightlight never forsaken

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

GNLD protein shake and vitamins

Mmmm..... mmmm in the morning. You should try them out sometime, you can
order them through me too!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Andrew Ordination process

Andrew was accepted through CRC as a ministry associate tonight!!!
Induction will be coming up soon at Hope Community.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


It's official, my boss is going out of her way to get me fired. She has
been extremely sneaky and had given work that I am supposed to do another
co-worker. She is a horrible boss and I have been documenting every
conversation and every email to back up her horrible management. Keep me in
your prayers that God will protect me in my job and give me wisdom in my

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Beware of Vistaprint

yeah so today I check my checking account and found a 14.95 charge from a
company BusinessMax. So I called my bank and reported the fraudlent charge
and contacted businessmax. They stated that I had clicked on an ad or
screen that basically signed me up for a 30 day trial. Which was not known
to me. Vistaprint forwarded this company my credit card # and it was
charged when it past 30 days. Beware that vistaprint will give out your
credit card # to charge to their affiliates. Never using Vistaprint again.
Now I have to wait til I get my new card in the mail... Argh!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Being Silent

"Is your integrity "before God" and your relationship with God the single
most important factor in governing your words and responses and behavior?"
-Experiencing the Cross

Reading this at lunch today and it really hit me very hard in what is going
on in my work life. I let these people in my office get to me and let me
get mad and frustrated. And when they ask me to do something ridiculous, I
am not too proud to admit, I am not the nicest person because it is
something they can totally do themselves. I have to reallly pray for 9
hours straight while I am at work otherwise I get so frustrated and just
want to walk out of work and never come back. I used to love the dynamics
of this office, not everyday is horrible and uncomfortable. I have to walk
around on egg shells because all the women in my office are just waiting to
get me into trouble, they are all out to get me. Ehhh another frustrating
day at work... Will I ever be in a good group of people to work with? Lord
give me your spirit and words today. I thank you and praise your Almighty
name Father. Amen.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Buttercups in Beaumont

My father in law cut me some fresh buttercups from their property in Cherry
Valley, ohhhh they smell so good. I have some bulbs that he dug up for me
so grow some of my own... My sweet little buttercups :) I can't wait to get
them home!!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Love the swollen right nostril

I just have to say I hate infections!!! My left nostril is red, swollen,
and painful. Doses of ibuprofen, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and
double antibiotic ointment. Hope this works, otherwise I will be in urgent
care tomorrow. Yah!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Journal entry 2/1/2006

I am not that woman
Right now who I am is a distant image
Reamed by words
Tears so uncontrollable
Here I am, a mere little girl
Reaching for her daddy to hold her
The only true comfort I fee is
Spending time with you my Savior
Never thought words could tear me down
Now I know they can if I let them
I feel like the worst person in the world
And I have been
Now I am forced each and every day
to deal with more uncomfort
Lord, give me your spirit
Let me have your attitude
I will need to face the music
and let go of all the things that have hurt me to the core