Thursday, November 24, 2005

Measure of life

How do you measure your life as being good or bad?
Being a secular song and all but I still love it as I always have from the musical RENT, "Seasons of Love". If you dont know by now I absolutely LOVE musicals! Anyway, How do you measure you life? How do you value a person either someone close to you or a poor homeless man on the side of the street? Do count yourself more valuable then that person? Do you love people no matter what? This Thanksgiving holiday I challenge everyone to take a moment a look at their lives and ask yourself do you value the people in your life? Do you love even those you dont know when you have encounters with them? God loved us so much that He gave us His only Son, check yourself this weekend. Love ya all!!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Beautiful Day

My first day at work was wonderful and God blessed me with such a beautiful
morning and beautiful sunset. Thank you Lord for allowing my eyes to see a
part of your beauty!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

All I want for Christmas...

Is my two front teeth... J/k. Christmas came a little early this year and
in a HUGE way. Our friend Josh bought us (me) a sewing serger. I have
wanted one for so long, now I can make all the baby clothes I want. (I am
not pregnant just making baby clothes as a hobby and for the future. I will
post some pictures of the clothes I have made so far. Awww, so cute!!!! God
is good... All the time and All the time... God is good. Lots of love goes
out to Josh :)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Tragedy Strikes the Kendrew Part 2

Well, as you can see above the plug had completely burned! By the Grace of God, the electrician hired by our Mobile Park fixed the problem and even better the Mobile Estates paid for the problem!!! God is good and everyday we notice that God is totally protecting us and providing for us.

Tragedy Strikes the Kendrew

Today it began, Kendra begins the afternoon by turning on the Air
conditioning in the 5th wheel and then proceeds to plug in her
straightener. 5 minutes later Air conditioning, straightener and all
electrical turns off. 2 minutes later a neighbor knocks on our door and
proceeds to tell Kendra that our meter for electrical was smoking and on
fire. So Kendra turns off all electrical and contacts Andrew and the
assistant manager. Plug for electrical had completely melted to the outlet.
May not have any electrical til Monday, hoping sooner though. The saga
continues... We will share pictures and the finish of the tragedy as soon
as we get internet up.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Tragedy struck

My dear and precious flat iron literally broke. The paddle actually broke
off the handle, oh well off to a new one, Mmmm a better one! Ooooooh.

"If you Love me..." John 14:15

John (14:15) "If you love me, you will obey what I command."

This is not to say "Lord at one time I loved you". "Love" in this verse is
in the future indicative. It's saying "If you are loving me". Its present
tense, it's a ongoing contiuous love. It's not going to the alter call or
the crusade one time and saying that is loving God. It is a daily
commitment to following the law of Christ. It's not okay to say Well, I
ONCE loved him, and that is enough. NO the Bible tells us in these verses
we are to be loving God continually.

Satan would have us believe and deceive us that the law is bad and that the
law is too controlling and unjust but the law is good. Romans (7:12) "So
then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good."
God's commandments and laws are good. We need the law, so we can know
right from wrong. The law is good because it is from God. Paul explains
here that those things that Satan deceives us with is wrong. The law is
good and holy.

If you are LOVING God then you will keep his commandments.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Robert Elliott- John 14:12

Have you ever listened to a sermon that used profanity or even just lowered
their standards to get a laugh out of you or shock you? How do you feel
about it? Maybe you feel that it is okay to get the people to laugh to get
the point across and in certain situations maybe God has called them to do
that. Shouldn't a pastor take on Christ's way of teaching in how he
speaks? Doesn't making jokes sometimes speak irreverant of God? Is God's
name not Holy enough that we should make jokes and ridicule His name? Jesus
never used shock to bring people to believe in Him, shouldn't we be the
same? Read the excerpt from a sermon below and I want to hear your

"He never misled, he never said anything that would give false hopes or
draw a crowd and get people in around them and stir them up with no
thought of the future, ah who cares if in ten years or twenty years their
not here, as long as just now were getting a crowd. As long as just now
were making people feel somethings happening. We'll say whatever it takes.
Jesus never did that once, never once! "

Saving this one for my girl

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Robert Elliott speaking on John 14:7-11

"Imagine where Philip would have ended up."

"What was necessary was for Philip and the disciples to humbly say Lord,
keep on teaching me. As long as it's you Lord, as long as it's your work."

"There needs to be a teachable heart that says I can be like Philip, I
could have known you for all these years and yet still not be getting it
still be missing vital elements of who you are and what you really said,
what you really taught. Lord, I need to be teachable."

"There's no place for us thinking that we've either heard all there is to
hear nor is there a place for us to think that we've even understood all
that we have heard. And certainly not any place for us to think that we
have embraced and applied all that is to embrace and apply. That should be
a million miles from our thoughts"

** Are you living your life like Philip? Going on in life for years
thinking that you know all of God? We need to be always seeking to know
more about God! Don't let your walk become non existent,dont become
stagnant in your faith. Always seek after more knowledge of Christ. Don't
be slow in understanding God. I want you all to have depth to your
relationship with God, open your heart and mind and Be Teachable with a
humble spirit. A fire that is being fanned each moment of your life, so
that others may know HIM fully. A fire that catches so quickly no thing
could ever put it out. And the only thing to quench your thirst from the
heat always being GOD!

80 % of American today state that they are Christians! If 80% of American
were Christians then why is God not sweeping over the nation and
revolutions being started. It's because few of that % truly know God and
truly seek to please God and find favor with God. Don't be that % of people
that say they are Christians and never live it. Stand out, and boldly
proclaim the Word of God because you cannot hold it in any longer.
My prayer is that God will reveal to you all that He has shown me. That He
will put a fire in you to proclaim the Word and love of God. That he will
open your minds to understand God more and open your heart to Love God even

Monday, November 07, 2005

Burt's Bees

Bought some hair care products from Burt's Bees and I am totally convinced that these products are the best and most organic of all I have tried on the market right now. Have kiddies, you should try Baby Bee products shampoo's and lotions. They are so cool. Check them out at:

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Anyone need a full time job?

Hey there everyone, I am currently moving to a new position in my company and there is currently a new job opening for an Accounts Payable/Clerk. If you know of anyone that might need a job and has clerical experience then please contact me so I can get that set up. You do not need to have accounting experience, just need some clerical experience. Let me know asap, as the opening will be closing within 2 weeks. The office is located in Riverside. Thanks for your ears!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Robert Elliot- John 7 sermon excerpts

"David knew God, enjoyed God, lived for God, was zealous for God, bound with a fire for God. Even in those circumstances he fell, he sinned, but he repented and pursued holiness. How much more ought we with the promise of the new covenant, the coming of the Spirit, those in whom he lives . How much more ought we enjoy God, know God, and glorify God. "

"We should be ashamed of our patheticness at times, our puniness, our toleration of sin in our lives, Putting up with just lives of mediocrity when it comes to a communion of God, knowledge of God, an enjoyment of God, and a celebration of who God is. We should be so ashamed of all that."

** We cannot be complacent in where we are in our faith. We need to be constantly seeking after God like David was, he was a man after God's own heart. We cannot tolerate living a life of mediocrity but seeking to live a life of righteousness and holiness. After I heard that sermon, I know that we are pathetic and we should be ashamed of how we live our lives. The Bible had men and women of righteouness Abraham, Moses, David, Ruth. We say we spend time in the Bible and praying but compared to how much we spend doing other things are we really spending time with God a lot. I know I am convicted of spending more time reading and praying, I know that I am pathetic and that I need to seek after holiness and righteousness so that God may favor me like did Noah and Abraham. I have a fire in me to work harder to be more like Jesus and be convicted more often of the things we need to do to glorify Christ. So that others will look at me without even me speaking and know without a doubt a follower of Christ. But even more than just a follower and believing the Word of God, but to be found evident that righteousness has been given to me by Christ. That he is living in me and that I exhale all that God is in daily living. Like Jeremiah (20:9) But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." I will not hold it in, like Jesus who spoke boldly to the people and was a bold witness. So I will strive to speak boldly when God has called me!

Robert Elliot- John 7

"That the satisfaction of the body and its desires and even needs is not what life is alla bout. Having your needs of the moment met are not what its all about!"

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Robert Elliot- John 7

Speaking of the Chief Priests and Pharisees "While they are seeking Him, they are not seeking Him in the sense of the fact that their souls needs to be given life. They are not seeking Him as those who are regenerated individuals hankering after the Savior's grace. They are seeking Him as hunters, They're seeking Him to destroy Him. As those who would hunt out their quarry and their prey. The Lord Jesus is being hunted by these men. However the Lord makes this comment which would go over the head of an average person but would have caused the officer's heart to skip a beat because He knew they were seeking after Him. It was like He knew what was going on or something, well, He did. And He was subtly speaking to them. It is interesting that men do seek Jesus in their unregenerate state but they seek Him to deny Him. They seek Him to ridicule Him. Men seek the knowledge of Jesus in order that they might dismiss Him. That's what happens in the unregenerate condition, Men do seek Jesus but it so that they can justify themselves in sin. NO MAN CAN SEEK AFTER JESUS, A SAVIOR, UNLESS THE SPIRIT OF GOD HAS AWAKENED HIM AND QUICKENED HIM."

** Awesome sermon, such a deep pastor and meat driven speaking.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Pumpkin Party!!!

Here are some pics of our pumpkin blast last night!!!!